Editor’s note: Brenna Stoll recently returned home from a missions trip to an orphanage in India. She wrote the following email to us to share how she used GoodSeed tools to teach the gospel there. The Lamb was well received by both the little ones as well as the older children. By This Name is perfectly suited for India because it helps people with an Eastern worldview understand the Bible. Praise God for excellent results on this missions trip!
Brenna wrote:
“I wanted to let you know I took The Lamb to an orphanage in Narsapur, India, and worked through the sessions with the PowerPoint. It was really a God-send. I was asked to come lead a small conference for the teenage girls, most of which have been rescued out of sex trafficking, and I was a bit concerned The Lamb might not be advanced enough for them. I ended up having ALL the kids at the orphanage in each of the 7 sessions, ages 5 to college, so it was really perfect. The founder of the orphanage said all that we were able to do on the mission trip made it the most successful mission trip he’s seen in over thirty years. He felt great about the good theology that the kids received through The Lamb.
I also took a couple of By This Name books, along with a leader’s guide, for the teen and college girls to work through together.
I just wanted you to know it was a great trip and I so appreciate the solid resources your ministry offers.
Photo and story credit: To India with Love by Brenna Stoll with written permission.
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