How did

GoodSeed begin?


It began with the realization

that an understood

gospel is a powerful gospel.


In 1997, within weeks of the release of The Stranger on the

Road to Emmaus, requests came from all over the world:

“Can we have a German translation? Or how about

French? Do you have an audiobook version?”

To handle these requests, GoodSeed was formed.


Twenty-five years among remote tribal groups taught John Cross and his colleagues that when the Bible was presented from creation to Christ, it made profound sense. They understood and believed.


As John traveled around the globe, he realized that many of those he met were much like the tribal

people—they too knew nothing about God.


So he wrote a book using the same biblical approach that proved so effective with tribal people—one that could be given away or used to guide people to a clear understanding of the Gospel.


What makes GoodSeed unique

We are an equipping ministry.

We provide


to share the gospel as a lifelong lifestyle using the "Creation to the Cross" approach


Where is

GoodSeed going?

We find our tools and training reaching into the

farthest corners of the globe. We are working

hard to provide useful resources in formats and

languages that can be used by people anywhere.


How do

we operate?

As a ministry, we give of our resources to help equip others.

We link with other ministries instead of duplicating their efforts.

Our staff are partner-supported, as missionaries.

We work hard to keep our overhead down.

Staff receive no royalties for creative work.


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