1. Where in the Scriptures does it say that God told Cain and Abel to bring a blood sacrifice?
2. Do Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 speak of Satan?
4. What is the point of the Bible?
5. What problems come about from assuming too much when we share the message of the Bible?
1. How can I effectively share the gospel in a "fast-food" world?
2. How do I share the Bible with a teenager?
3. How can we teach our children God's Word when everyone is so busy?
4. Is it possible to use The Stranger VideoBook with Worldview Rethink?
5. As a follow-up to Vacation Bible School (VBS), what should I use – The Lamb or The Stranger?
6. Is brief best in sharing the message of the Bible?
7. How can I always be ready to give away the good news?
8. How can I introduce my international friends to the true significance of Christmas?
9. How can I share the gospel with my grandparent?
10. What is one way I can sensitively share the gospel in the workplace?
11. How can I take advantage of yearly opportunities to share the meaning of Easter?
13. Dynamic Reading-Leading-Modelling... What is it? How does it help me?
1. How do I teach the Tabernacle to children?
2. How do I teach about death using a branch?
3. How do I teach about atonement using coloured cards?
4. How do I teach about the importance of understanding Scripture using puzzles?
5. How can I make a lamb craft to accompany my teaching of The Lamb to children?
6. How can I help make the gospel story a Christmas tradition for my children?
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