The above photo came along with an inspiring story that was shared with one of our staff members. A pastor mentioned that his church averages about 1.8 babies each month and he wanted to give each child the Gospel. This he does this by giving each newborn a copy of our book, The Lamb. The pastor writes a personal dedication (above, in the photo) to each new baby. His penmanship is simply beautiful but what is more beautiful is the loving note that he writes. He notes that not only does the baby benefit from a clear Gospel presentation through The Lamb but the Mum and Dad also receive a good gospel understanding as they read the book to the newborn their baby.
This pastor also runs personal Bible studies with every couple preparing to get married in his church. He uses The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus to ensure that bridge and groom understand the gospel. There is no foundation better than a solid understanding of who Jesus is and what he has done for us to anchor a marriage.
What wonderful ways to share a clear Gospel message with newborn and newlyweds!
Just in case you can’t make out the handwritten note, here it is:
Grandma and I cannot be anymore blessed than with your life! We praise the Name of our Master and Creator – Jesus Christ! We love you and have been praying since the day we heard of you that you will be a woman who is the special object of God’s love and favor. God’s love for us existed since before we were even born. Since the beginning, God’s purpose for His creation was to make His glory known through saving us from our sin. Since “the wages of sin is death…” God’s decree is that “… the soul that sins will die.” But His love compelled Him to do something to save us. So, He sent His Son to save us from our sins. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Although He is holy and just enough to condemn us – He loves us and desires to save us through the sacrifice of His own Son – who “Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.”
Until the time was perfect for God to send Jesus to live a perfect life of obedience and then die for us, God provided substitutes – lambs that would die for sinners who trusted God and believed the Promise that God had made to send a Savior. Those lambs pointed forward in time to Jesus who was introduced as the Final Sacrifice: “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” This book tells this story of the anticipation of the successful work of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, who through His sacrifice provides us hope and through the resurrection from the dead provides us assurance of salvation!
Our continued prayer is that you will come to believe and rely upon Jesus as the one who died for your sins and lives today to justify you. We yearn to see you saved by God’s grace and your faith – a gift from God! We love you with all our hearts.
Grandpa & Grandma
- Sharing the Gospel at Easter - February 24, 2021
- Preparing for Christmas - November 9, 2020
- Salvation comes to a woman in China - October 23, 2017
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