Since the launch of our new website and web stores, you may have noticed that the digital versions of our resources were temporarily unavailable. We are pleased to announce that they are back online. We took the opportunity to upgrade the eBooks so that they display beautifully on all the various eReader devices available on the market today. Now you can download The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, By This Name, All that the Prophets have Spoken and more in a variety of popular formats including ePub, Mobi and PDF.
You will notice that these eBooks are for sale. Because we are a non-profit ministry that relies on supporters, we encourage those with financial means to pay for the eBooks. But as always, we believe that anyone who wants to learn about the message of the Bible ought to be able to do so. That’s why those in financial difficulty or those facing possible persecution can still download the eBooks for free.
Keep an eye out in the days to come as more eBooks are completed in various translations, versions and formats.
Download the latest GoodSeed eBooks from one of our online stores:
(Read an update on this project.)
- Easter around the corner - March 26, 2025
- For such a time as this - January 14, 2025
- Declared Righteous, But In What Way? - May 10, 2023
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