Seven baptisms one stormy Sunday

StormThick black clouds and the threat of hail did not deter Abundant Grace Church from going ahead with plans for a summer baptism service. Instead of their usual venue—a rural swimming hole with picnic tables and lawn chairs, they gathered in the shelter of a local church.

Seven in all—from young boys and girls to parents—took turns standing waist-deep in the cool water of the baptismal tank. Each one spoke of the One in whom they had placed their faith.

Pastor Mark wrote to tell how GoodSeed resources were instrumental in bringing about this special day of celebration:

We’ve taught our own children through The Lamb twice and I know it has given them a great foundation of understanding the gospel. In preparation for their baptism, I asked them questions, using those found at the back of The Lamb. The book was very, very helpful.”

One father, Mike, had also read through The Lamb twice with his daughter. Another dad, Bruce, had thoroughly taught his son using The Lamb. They, too, were baptized on Sunday.

Then there was Jason and his wife, Liz, who started coming to our church in March of this year. Liz specifically mentioned By This Name in her testimony. Her husband also shared what he had learned about the gospel. As a couple, they are now helping to guide a Course.

I share all this to say that these are seven who were greatly influenced by GoodSeed tools in their experience of trusting Christ. Praise the Lord for what He has done!”

Though the rain clouds covered the sky that day, the spotlight shone brightly on Jesus Christ.

Photo credit: “Storms across America” by Matthew Hartman is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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