Ireland: “Youth are the future of the church”

Irish-teensOften we are asked, “Do you have any materials written for teenagers?” The answer is both yes and no. Although GoodSeed books and videos are not specifically designed for youth, their message connects with most teenagers. Just last week Hansen,* a Dutch church planter in Ireland, wrote to tell what God is doing in raising up young disciples who are able to share the gospel clearly with their own family and friends using GoodSeed tools.

Hansen writes:

Some years ago, a daughter of a church family brought a friend to our group who then became a believer. He is now helping with the youth and leading worship in church. After he came to put his trust in Christ, he brought along his step-brother who also became a believer. Then, about two years ago, the step-brother brought a girlfriend to our youth group. She gradually became more and more eager to hear and to understand the message of the gospel. In order to help her, I gave her a copy of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus. It took her some time to read through the book but when she finished it, she said that the pieces had really come together in a way that made sense—especially in the last chapters—and that she really understood the gospel. Before the summer, she told me she would like to be baptized. This is going to happen in September, which we find hugely encouraging. This girl is also witnessing to her mother and to her friends. We really believe that young people will be the future of the church in Ireland.“

Have you used GoodSeed tools to teach the gospel to young people? Share your story by sending us an email at [email protected]—we’d love to hear how it went.

(*Name changed as per GoodSeed Policy)

Photo credit: “Skinny jeans and sneakers” by Pretty Kate Machine is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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