When Neville* and Dominique learned of a little boy with a foster family in Central America who was up for adoption, it seemed their prayers were finally being answered. Excited to meet their soon-to-be son, they boarded a flight from their home in Quebec. Little did they know that God had other plans.
When they arrived, they went through the process but for complex reasons, the adoption fell through and there was nothing left to do but go home. They made arrangements to fly home early, all the time wondering why God had not allowed their adoption to proceed.
Dominique tells the rest of her story:
It wasn’t supposed to be this way! We weren’t supposed to be on that flight! Our hearts were breaking. Then the flight attendant made us change seats. We were not supposed to change seats! We had a choice of where to sit because the plane was half empty. I was going to sit on the right, but then changed my mind and sat on the left (for no reason).
Before the plane took off, we were already engaged in a conversation with a young lady in the next seat. Her name was Alejanda.* It was our fourth of six flights and we had never spoken with any of our neighbours except to say hello.
During our conversation, we discovered that Alejanda loved the Lord Jesus and that she had a ministry with children in a village of the country we had just left. She was telling us that she didn’t have a lot of resources to teach them about God. You can imagine how excited she was to learn of the tools that GoodSeed provides. As soon as we arrived home, we sent her copies of the Spanish edition of The Lamb to help her in her ministry.
Alejanda wrote us an email:
A really cool God moment was that I was heavy-hearted from travelling alone to go to a funeral so I prayed a lot on the way to the airport that God would sit me beside whoever He wanted. God answered my prayer by my meeting both of you. I was not feeling very strong but my spirit was so uplifted to be with Christians, with “family.” I am so very grateful that you wanted to bless us this way with these tools that provide an accurate explanation of the gospel story in many languages.
Alejanda was not the only one God wanted us to help. During our time overseas, we had Carmelita,* a God-loving translator, help us during our adoption process. As we spent time with her, we discovered Carmelita had a ministry that taught women the Word of God. She shared with us about her ministry’s lack of resources.
We took the opportunity to tell her about the Spanish edition of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus. She was eager to read through it. Back home, as we sent off Alejandra’s package, we also sent a package to Carmelita. It took six weeks for the precious package to arrive at its destination.
Not long after, Carmelita wrote to us:
The Stranger is such a good book. One of my American co-workers is interested to read it because I have spoken so much about it. She will read the English edition that you sent me, while I read the Spanish edition.I am so thankful for it. You are a blessing to me and to the teachers who will study this and then teach it.
The gospel is the main point of this whole story which we believe. The Stranger is such an eye opener. This book clears up so much.
The Spanish edition of The Lamb will also be helpful. We want to use it for our women’s Bible studies. They want to learn about the Lord, and that is why the Lord has me here.
There are no coincidences with the Lord; it’s all planned out in His perfect will. Directed by His Spirit! Thank you once again for those awesome books.“
We don’t always understand God’s plans. He sees the big picture. God had something in mind for us. He put these wonderful ladies in our path. We pray many will come to know Jesus Christ and gain a clear understanding of the gospel all because of an adoption that “wasn’t supposed to be.”
God can use our trials to work good in spite of the pain they bring. It is just one more way He can be honoured. Trials can be God’s road to triumph.
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
“In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:6-7
May God continue to use us to be good ambassadors of Christ around the world. We also pray for this child that we met. We believe that God has special plans for him.
What opportunities has God given you to share the gospel in the midst of “not supposed to be” circumstances? Send your stories to [email protected].
(*Names changed as per GoodSeed policy.)
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