Time was running out

time running outRecently, Nora* sent us an email. It began with:

“Hi there. One of your staff members visited us some time ago and left behind some of the GoodSeed resources so we could purchase them. I bought a copy of The Lamb to help me minister to my sister-in-law.”

Nora’s sister-in-law, Lucy,* knew very little about the Bible’s message because of a mental disability. At 63 years of age, without the ability to read or learn most things for herself, her childlike mind had kept her seemingly isolated from this most essential message. Nora had struggled to think of a way to reach out to this precious family member.

When she flipped through The Lamb, she felt that the colourful pictures, simple explanation and helpful questions at the end of each chapter would be the most appropriate tool to use.

Lucy was not the most friendly audience as Nora began reading to her, but as Nora began working her way through the book, Lucy became engaged in the message. By chapter three, she was hooked. Slowly the truth dawned and by the end of the book, she was answering every question correctly.

Nora’s email arrived in our inbox the day after she finished reading The Lamb to Lucy:

“Last night Lucy said yes, she believed God’s letter to her, that Jesus took her punishment and she wants to be in Heaven with Jesus and not the Lake of Fire. Lucy has cancer and it will not be long before she is with her Saviour. Thank you so much for The Lamb.”

Nora went on to say the doctor had informed the family that with her serious cancer and a blood clot in her lung, it was very doubtful that Lucy would see Christmas. Indeed, in less than a month’s time, Lucy passed away. But it is not a story with a sad ending. Rather, the family is rejoicing that Lucy is now with her Saviour and can know him fully.

At Lucy’s funeral, Nora’s son shared an eulogy:

Lucy was born with special needs and although in her sixties, she was like that of a child both emotionally and intellectually. However, she always had a place at the centre of the family. Recently my mother and father had taken the lead in her care and end-of-life preparations. Few know of the dozens of daily calls or the countless nights where they rushed out of a deep sleep to tend to a medical or emotional emergency. Few know that my mother bought a children’s book, The Lamb, and taught Lucy about Jesus’ love. Fewer still know that Aunt Lucy, in her own special way, prayed with my mom to receive Jesus into her heart. God loves us all. Wants a relationship with us all. Even those of us with special needs. Maybe even a little more so sometimes. So as I reflect upon the passing of dear Aunt Lucy, I am thankful for those who cared for her in life, especially near the end, and for the one who cares for her now in heaven. Thanks be to God that He has defeated sin and death.

Thanks be to God, that the gospel was able to penetrate the mind of one for whom so much else was beyond her understanding.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

(*Names changed as per GoodSeed policy.)

Photo Credit: “clock” by Markus Spiske is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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