My grandkids actually paid attention!

Reading a book vs electronic entertainment

Computers, televisions, video games and smart phones monopolize children’s attention these days. So accustomed are they to the allure of a glowing screen that one wonders if something as simple—something as “old fashioned”—as a book can even hold a child’s attention?

We have found that, time and again, there is still nothing quite like a parent, grandparent, or other trusted adult sitting down, opening the pages of a book and reading aloud. Even in this digital age, young imaginations are swept along into a good story. Reading is still a captivating and highly effective way for children to learn.

A grandmother named Dorothy* recently wondered the same thing when she approached the GoodSeed display table at a recent conference and began to peruse The Lamb, a book that simply explains the gospel to children from creation to Christ. She commented, “I’m not sure my little grandkids will pay attention long enough to listen to a story like this.” However, drawn in by the clarity of the story, the engaging questions at the end of each chapter and the elaborately painted illustrations, she took a chance and bought a copy to share with her grandchildren.

Last week we received a beautiful, handwritten letter at our office. In it, Dorothy described what happened:

Thanks for sharing some time with me at the table and recommending The Lamb for my grandkids. At first, they weren’t excited about sitting down but I just began reading… it did not take long before they were quite interested! The writer and artist are amazing. When we finished the first couple of chapters, my granddaughter, Ashley* (6), went through the book page by page on her own. Last night I did the same thing again––I sat down to read and the children were right there. We will enjoy this book for years. I’m happy to see that they still enjoy books. Ashley was finding her sight words from school as we read together. She will be a good reader someday. I’m praying my grandson, Theo* (4), will be a minister. He is a determined boy. I’m thankful for the GoodSeed Staff who were there Saturday at the seminar and that they brought GoodSeed resources. We serve The Mighty God!
~~ Dorothy ~~

With the holiday season upon us, will you have time to spend with the little ones in your life? How about planning to sit down and read The Lamb together? You may be surprised at how well they pay attention!

Learn more about The Lamb >>

 (*Name changed as per GoodSeed policy.)

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