This one makes sense!

wheelchairLorna* had been bedridden for years. The cold walls of hospitals and nursing homes were all too familiar to her as she lived day after day in a routine of doctor visits and prescriptions. Lorna’s fragile health was the result of years of physical abuse from multiple men in her life and teenage alcoholism. Lorna had come from a traditionally religious background, but she knew so little about hope and freedom. And with few friends and a family who didn’t bother visiting her, each passing day accentuated her loneliness and isolation. She felt like a prisoner in her wheelchair.

Belinda first met Lorna when she was a caregiver in her home. Belinda’s heart broke over Lorna and she did what she could for the older woman but they lost touch soon after. Belinda continued to pray that salvation would come to Lorna and her family and hoped that one day they would reconnect.

A year later, Belinda was at the hospital visiting a friend when she was surprised to see Lorna in a wheelchair at the nurses’ station. Thankful for a renewed opportunity to reach into the older woman’s life, Belinda made a point to spend time with her whenever she visited the hospital. Lorna looked forward to the visits and Belinda’s sincere interest in Lorna paved the way to sharing the gospel.

Belinda had attended a GoodSeed TERM Seminar, during which she had been trained in how to use GoodSeed’s tools in evangelism. So when Belinda learned that Lorna loved to read, she gave a copy of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus to her. The older woman loved it. Each time Belinda visited, Lorna asked questions about what she was reading, and Belinda would share answers from the Bible.

Before long, Lorna moved to a nearby nursing home and Belinda continued to visit her there. During one of their conversations, Belinda was going over the gospel again when Lorna interrupted her.

“Belinda, I did that.”

Uncomprehending, Belinda asked, “Did what?”

“I asked Jesus to be my Saviour! I’m trusting in Jesus for my salvation.” Lorna had understood! She went on to say, “Belinda, of all the belief systems I’ve studied over the years, yours is the only one that makes sense.”

Belinda was overjoyed. Here was the answer to a year-long prayer. Salvation had come to Lorna, and Belinda thanked God for the privilege of being involved, simply by reaching out in compassion and faithfully sharing the good news through giving a book.

Belinda and Lorna’s friendship continued to blossom. Lorna thanked Belinda for sharing the good news, and asked Belinda to share it with her family as well. Belinda continued to visit Lorna weekly, and their time together was spent around the Bible and Lorna’s new-found hope and trust in Jesus. At one point, Lorna said she was scared to die. Belinda responded by quoting Scripture, reminding Lorna of the promises in God’s Word, and then sang and prayed with her. The power of God’s truth brought peace again, and Lorna said she was ready to meet her Maker.

Lorna’s health continues to be extremely fragile and it is likely she does not have long to live, but Belinda rejoices that Lorna is trusting in the Saviour of sinners, and that fear and despair no longer have a hold on her. Belinda is the only believer Lorna knows, and because Brenda has been a faithful ambassador of Christ, she has been able to make a huge difference in Lorna’s life. But again, it came about by three simple things: prayer, time and the gift of a book.

(* All names changed as per GoodSeed policy.)

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