Dad, are we Jews or are we Christians?

By This Name in HebrewA Jewish parent shared this question of identity with a GoodSeed staff worker one afternoon during a meeting in the ancient city of Jerusalem. His teenage children had posed the question to him after being repeatedly harassed at their local school for their beliefs. Finally they confronted their father, frustrated with these attacks on their identity. “Dad, are we Jews or are we Christians? What are we and what’s the difference between the two?” they asked.

He reassured them, “You’re both. You’re Jews who believe that the Messiah has come, just as He promised.”

As a ministry looking to support the Christian faith in Israel, the Bible Society in Israel (BSI) began looking for a resource that would explain the harmony between the Old Testament and the New.

When The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus came to their attention, they saw it as an answer to prayer for a resource that would help Israel’s young generation navigate their current crisis.

Then, after discussing all of the GoodSeed materials with a staff member, it was deemed best to translate the book By This Name into Hebrew, as it better addressed the average Israeli’s worldview.

Translators who are Christians and who are able to render a high quality translation are rare in Israel, but BSI was the ideal organization to bring the right person to GoodSeed’s assistance. The first draft of the Hebrew edition was completed in 2013, but then the translator discovered she had cancer.

How could GoodSeed find another individual who was both a believer and who was able capable of producing a quality Hebrew translation that would communicate well? The BSI director contacted GoodSeed. “This is so important,” he said, “I will do it myself.”

Though firmly committed to the goals and message of GoodSeed’s material, the busy director had yet to read through the book. But as he began reading the notes of the previous translator and editing the first draft, he began to gain a greater vision of how this material could benefit his people.

Now, many months later after a strenuous checking process to ensure accuracy, good flow and comprehension, we are thrilled to announce that the Hebrew edition of By This Name is now in print!

Already, we have heard that Bible studies are in progress using the Hebrew By This Name. We eagerly anticipate hearing how the Lord will use this book to make his message known to the People of the Book.

When we first embarked on this translation, a member of the Bible Society in Israel shared his vision for the Hebrew By This Name:

“This is the way we change the shape and future of young people in Israel.”

We pray with confidence that the Lord will use the clear presentation of his message to mankind to do just that.


By This Name in Hebrew is available in these editions at these stores:


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