Seize opportunities wherever they lay
While most of us were happy to bid farewell to 2020, things haven’t suddenly turned a corner with the beginning of a new year. Many are waiting till things return to normal to take up certain activities, whether it’s a hobby, exercise or to reach out to others.
But let’s not wait for circumstances to improve before we step out in faith. Let’s look for opportunities where they lay and not allow less-than-ideal events to waylay us. This will likely require flexibility and creativity.
Have you been wanting to do a Bible study with a friend? Don’t wait until COVID clears up in order to get together. Make arrangements to get started right away. Many have had effective studies via phone, over Zoom or Skype, outdoors with social distancing and any number of other avenues. GoodSeed materials are very well-suited to this type of study. See more below.
The Lord delights in shining his grace into the lives of others through his children, especially as we walk through times of difficulty. Don’t wait for things to get better. Often, your most effective outreach happens when things are most decidedly not ideal. Let’s take advantage of this time and not wait for a “better” day in the future.
- Easter around the corner - March 26, 2025
- For such a time as this - January 14, 2025
- Declared Righteous, But In What Way? - May 10, 2023
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