For many years, TERM has been our main training program to equip the body of Christ to be more effective ambassadors. Recently, we revamped the content and the new seminar is now modular.
Module A explores four barriers to sharing the gospel:
Articles, news and testimonies
In January we posted a Report from Malawi describing what God has been doing there through the newly translated Chichewa edition of the booklet What are Christmas and Easter All About? Recently, over the Easter weekend, the booklet was broadcast live and listeners were able to call in with questions, comments, and to order the book for themselves. Here’s an excerpt from Rodrick, the Bible teacher who did the broadcast:
Continue reading “Radio broadcast in Malawi using GoodSeed Resources”
Last year Lewis,* a pastor from Arizona, joined a team of Bible teachers organized by Village Ministries International to travel from USA to Uganda and Kenya. Their objective was to provide Bible training resources for indigenous pastors and teachers.
Abasi,* a young Kenyan fluent in both English and Swahili, volunteered to be a translator for the team. As they travelled over rough terrain from village to village, Abasi faithfully and accurately conveyed the teaching with conviction to over 200 people who attended the meetings. By the end of the trip, it was clear to Lewis and the others that young Abasi was not only a good communicator but also a keen and humble student of the Word.
Continue reading “Kenyan translator teaches as he was taught”
Editor’s Note: Many believers find that being an ambassador of Christ involves… building relationships, giving away resources that explain the gospel clearly, and guiding people in a course so that they can understand the message of the Bible for themselves. Kyle* has been doing just that in his work place for the past several years. He wrote recently to share what God has done:
Since the launch of our new website and web stores, you may have noticed that the digital versions of our resources were temporarily unavailable. We are pleased to announce that they are back online. We took the opportunity to upgrade the eBooks so that they display beautifully on all the various eReader devices available on the market today. Now you can download The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, By This Name, All that the Prophets have Spoken and more in a variety of popular formats including ePub, Mobi and PDF.
Editor’s note: Brenna Stoll recently returned home from a missions trip to an orphanage in India. She wrote the following email to us to share how she used GoodSeed tools to teach the gospel there. The Lamb was well received by both the little ones as well as the older children. By This Name is perfectly suited for India because it helps people with an Eastern worldview understand the Bible. Praise God for excellent results on this missions trip!
Brenna wrote:
Continue reading “The tools were a God-send on my missions trip to India”
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