Ireland: “Youth are the future of the church”

Irish-teensOften we are asked, “Do you have any materials written for teenagers?” The answer is both yes and no. Although GoodSeed books and videos are not specifically designed for youth, their message connects with most teenagers. Just last week Hansen,* a Dutch church planter in Ireland, wrote to tell what God is doing in raising up young disciples who are able to share the gospel clearly with their own family and friends using GoodSeed tools.

Hansen writes:

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Seven baptisms one stormy Sunday

StormThick black clouds and the threat of hail did not deter Abundant Grace Church from going ahead with plans for a summer baptism service. Instead of their usual venue—a rural swimming hole with picnic tables and lawn chairs, they gathered in the shelter of a local church.

Seven in all—from young boys and girls to parents—took turns standing waist-deep in the cool water of the baptismal tank. Each one spoke of the One in whom they had placed their faith.

Pastor Mark wrote to tell how GoodSeed resources were instrumental in bringing about this special day of celebration:

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The well-equipped carpet cleaner


Bryan* owns a small carpet cleaning business. “It’s honest work that provides an income for my family,” he commented the other day when he stopped by the GoodSeed USA office to pick up some more Stranger books. His clients trust him to come into their homes and make their carpets fresh and clean once again. Bryan is well-equipped with a specialized truck, including a high-temperature vacuum machine. With plenty of elbow grease, he’s ready for anything.

Not only is Bryan prepared to clean any floor, he is also a well-equipped ambassador of Christ, always ready to share the gospel (1 Peter 3:15). He went on to say:

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All eyes on Brazil

Brazil flag

All eyes were on Brazil as everyone supported their soccer/football team during this year’s World Cup.

Heaven continues to watch and cheer, but for quite another reason. Brazilian people are understanding and trusting Jesus Christ as their saviour!

“Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10 ESV

A missionary in Brazil wrote a little note of encouragement, telling how she has been using The Lamb in her ministry to children:

Thank you again for The Lamb book which you might remember giving to me a few years ago… What a great tool for sharing the gospel and creating conversation about Jesus. I have recently read it with three young friends here who all loved it. One asked to borrow the book after we were finished and read the whole thing out loud to her parents! My mom is also using The Lamb as a discipleship tool with a newly-saved mom of three young children. I found that The Lamb is now available in Portuguese as O Cordeiro. Last summer, I took a few copies to use in Brazil and then to leave with churches and children’s workers there. So glad you introduced me to The Lamb!

We regularly hear stories and testimonies from Brazil of ambassadors of Christ sharing the gospel clearly and people coming to salvation. As the World Cup continues, praise God with us for what he is doing.

More GoodSeed resources in Portuguese >> 


Photo Credit: “Brazilian Flag” by Christiano Oliveira is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Update on the International Office Project


Many of you have prayed with us, given towards this project, encouraged us and given us advice. Thank you for your partnership. Through you, we have indeed experienced God’s grace in many forms.

We are so thankful to God for getting us halfway there in such a short span of time. Currently, we have $572,000 left to raise.

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Evangelism with internationals at state university–an interview

Screen Shot 2014-06-26 at 12.54.56 PMEditor’s note: One of our GoodSeed staff recently interviewed Veronica,* who spends much of her time teaching English as a second language (ESL) and doing evangelism Bible studies with Asian international students at a large state university. So, how does she do it?!

Read this inspiring interview that is chock-full of typical examples of how GoodSeed tools are used to lead people to a clear understanding of the Bible…

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Counselling troubled adults with a children’s book?


For years, Isabelle* felt lost and hopeless. Finally, she went to get some help in order to sort out a lifetime of past hurt, confusion and deception. One day her counsellor recognized an underlying problem. Isabelle wrote to tell us what happened…

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Five ways to stand clear and let God work

Stand clear

Matt’s* living room was full of people. A mixed group of about a dozen international students plus other men and women from the small college town had been there every Thursday night for the past six weeks. Some had literally never read the Bible before. Others only knew bits and pieces. They had all learned a lot as Matt guided them through the Bible from creation to the cross in a course called Worldview Rethink.

Now, as the course was nearing its end, Matt desperately wanted each person to trust in Jesus Christ—to believe the gospel and be saved! At the same time he knew it had to be God’s work, not his own efforts to coerce or convince people. (Revelation 7:10)

Here are five ways Matt let God work in the minds and hearts of those in his group.

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God has allowed us to guide many friends

Faithful Couple
“Our days are full from morning till night… our weeks pretty much revolve around spending time with friends and doing By This Name studies.”

It all started when Josh* attended a TERM Seminar in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in 2010. He learned how to use GoodSeed tools to guide a course about the Bible in a way that makes sense. When he returned home he immediately shared what he had learned with his wife Steph*. As a couple they began praying that God would bring opportunities. Since then, their life has become quite busy–in a good way! God has allowed them to guide many of their friends and acquaintances in their small rural town to a clear understanding of the Bible’s main message–the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Sign up for the updated TERM Seminar

TERM Seminar
For many years, TERM has been our main training program to equip the body of Christ to be more effective ambassadors. Recently, we revamped the content and the new seminar is now modular.

Module A explores four barriers to sharing the gospel:

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