“The Stranger” as an Intro Bible course at a Chinese international school

Students in classroomWe recently received an email from a school principal. He asked several questions about our tools but he also shared how his school has been using our resources.

He writes, “I have enjoyed reading and teaching The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus. We use the book in an ‘Intro’ course for students at our international school in China! For several years now, we have been purchasing copies of The Stranger in three languages.”

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2015 New Year Greetings

Fieldnotes coverHappy New Year! We at GoodSeed want to thank the Lord for his guidance and provision in 2014 and we look forward to how he will direct our ministry in the coming year.

If you haven’t already done so, please download a free copy of Fieldnotes: stories of the gospel transforming lives. (The book is available as a PDF, epub or mobi file.) May the stories of ordinary believers bringing people to Christ inspire you to also be an ambassador for Christ to those God has placed in your lives. You have unique opportunities to reach into lives of friends, family, neighbours and loved ones. Prayerfully watch for those opportunities to give away the gospel message or guide someone through the Bible.

Let’s all continue to embrace our roles as ambassadors in 2015.

Download Fieldnotes now >>

Christmas Greetings

Christmas illustration from The Story that MattersWarmest Christmas greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

As we reflect on all that has happened in 2014, we are very thankful for the way that the Lord has led and worked in our ministry, enabling us to reach more people with the gospel and to provide tools and training for ordinary believers, missionaries and pastors to share the good news of Christ.

We are very mindful of supporters like you who have prayed for us, given financially and even worked on projects with us. Thank you so much for being our partners. The work that we do is not possible without your unfailing support.

As we look forward to the new year with expectant hearts, may we as the body of Christ, continue to embrace the privilege of sharing the gospel with friends, family and loved ones.

From all of us at GoodSeed, we wish you a very blessed Christmas season!

Hope coming over the airwaves

Tea plantation in Sri LankaEarlier this year in June, we shared about our partnership with TWR in Sri Lanka. They had translated By This Name into Sinhala and were reading out the book in a weekly radio broadcast. They had a good response to the program as listeners called and wrote in to say how much they had learned about God.

Since then, TWR has continued to faithfully broadcast the program. The readers read out the Sinhala script and the program also plays appropriate worship songs. The power of radio is that it can reach into the lives of people living in remote areas who either have no access to books or who are unable to read. Just recently, TWR sent us more messages that they had received from people who called in.

Continue reading “Hope coming over the airwaves”

Recording of “By This Name” audiobook

By This Name audiobook recording
This is our audio studio. We have the director and our audio engineer in the main area. In the recording booth are our two voice talents.

We have had many requests for a new English audiobook and so we thank God for helping us start production on an audiobook version of By This Name. This is an important project as we recognize that in today’s world of growing biblical illiteracy, By This Name is well designed to answer the questions of those who have an Eastern, postmodern, or atheistic worldview.

We had several parameters for the project:

Continue reading “Recording of “By This Name” audiobook”

Grasp the Vision 2015

As ambassadors for Christ, what is the best way to share the gospel to an increasingly biblically illiterate world? And what does the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty have to do with biblical methods? In our latest Grasp the Vision video, John Cross, general director for GoodSeed, shares the strength of the historical narrative in sharing the good news.

John also relates how the ministry has been working with partners from across the globe, from the Democratic Republic of Congo, to Northern Ireland, to Thailand and Germany.

Watch Grasp the Vision 2015:

For a lasting legacy… consider having another child. (A Child called Charity, that is)

Tax laws are complicated and many end up paying a substantial amount in taxes even for a modest estate. But do you know that there are ways to reduce or remove the taxes you will pay on an estate?

The example below illustrates a charitable giving option, often referred to as “A Child called Charity”, which many people are adopting to leave a lasting legacy to both their heirs and charities dear to their hearts.

Continue reading “For a lasting legacy… consider having another child. (A Child called Charity, that is)”

GoodSeed Canada store now in French and English

GoodSeed Canada Store now in French and EnglishWe’re excited to announce that the GoodSeed Canada Store is now bilingual. Both English and French speakers are now able to browse the store and read information about our tools and resources in their preferred language.

While the default view is in English, any visitor can change the language by clicking on the language toggle just under the Canadian flag on any page of the store. Click on FRANÇAIS and the French version of the store will be displayed. This works both on a computer browser or a mobile device.

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GoodSeed is on the AmazonSmile charity program

GoodSeed is on AmazonSmileAmazon has a charity program called AmazonSmile. It is a simple and automatic way for shoppers to support charities at no cost to the shoppers. One simply goes to AmazonSmile and shops as per normal. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organization of the shopper’s choice.

GoodSeed is one of the charities listed on AmazonSmile. If you are planning to shop at Amazon, you may wish to consider nominating GoodSeed as the receiving charity for this program. If so, just go to AmazonSmile to log in with your regular Amazon account. Then when prompted to select the charity you want to support, search for “GoodSeed USA.”

GoodSeed on AmazonSmile

We want to thank in advance all who choose to support us in this simple way.

The website: smile.amazon.com

Good News in the midst of chaos

Thai military and police with By This NameDuring the unrest in Thailand at the beginning of the year, the military and police were stationed in many locations around Bangkok and the country. They spent long hours on the streets, doing their best to restore order to a country in chaos.

Many ordinary citizens stayed indoors, trying to avoid getting caught up in the protests. But for one group of people who were diligent ambassadors for Christ, they saw an opportunity to share the gospel message. They loaded up with copies of the Thai edition of By This Name as well as with booklets containing an excerpt of By This Name and testimonies of those who had read it. These dauntless believers then ventured into the streets, handing out the materials to soldiers and police officers. Many accepted the offer and proceeded to read the books at their posts! Please pray with us that many will come to a clear understanding of the gospel and put their trust in Jesus for salvation.