I confess… I cut up “The Lamb”!

Cutting up The LambIt’s the end of summer in the northern hemisphere. While school was out and the weather warm, summer camps were in full swing. Many children attended Christian camps, backyard Bible clubs, or Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) where, in the midst of fun activities, they also got to learn the message of the Bible. For many of these children, it was the first time they heard the gospel message.

We received an email from Julia,* who taught at a VBS. She said she had to confess something to us. She wrote:

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“I wish I had done more listening”

airline-seatsMy work at GoodSeed requires that I fly at times. These days, frugal airlines place their seats so close together that the travel experience they provide is one of shoulder-to-shoulder confinement. But it’s just not natural for us westerners to be sandwiched in so tightly with total strangers!

Recently, as I shoehorned my large frame into the assigned space, the unfortunate soul in the next seat gave me furtive glances, telling me that she was making her own spatial adjustments.

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QR codes for “All that the Prophets have Spoken” Interactive Edition

All that the Prophets have Spoken video websiteWhen GoodSeed published its first audiobook, it came on cassettes (remember those?). Now, the soon-to-be-released interactive edition of All that the Prophets have Spoken will come with 98 video clips that can be accessed via QR codes.

While the book is packaged with an accompanying DVD, we recognize that many people have smartphones and tablets. We wanted to marry the effectiveness of video with the convenience of watching on a mobile device. So now, readers will have a choice of watching the video clips on DVD or on their smart devices.

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First-ever performance of the GoodSeed musical at our Bible Camp

Once every two years, our global staff, families and friends gather for our International Bible Camp. This year’s was a great time of prayer, worship and fellowship. We gave updates to all the staff on the plans for the coming months and our invited speaker taught us through the book of James. It was not all serious business though. There was lots of catching up, games and sharing testimonies of what God has been doing in each of our lives and in our areas of work.

While the adults had meetings and training sessions, our children had their own camp. There were devotions and a whole lot of outdoor fun. The weather started off cool but as it warmed up, the kids were out there in the sand, in the water and flying through the air! We knew they had a good camp because we only saw them at mealtimes.

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A pint of frozen custard

Frozen dessertHere is an email from our archives. We received this back in 2010 and it has not ceased to be a source of encouragement for us. Here is the story of one young person leading another to faith in Christ through the use of By This Name and frozen custard! We pray it might encourage you to do the same with someone in your life (well, except for the frozen custard). Here is Timothy’s* story.

I was putting away chairs and clearing up the hall after our youth group meeting. I’d been teaching the group and it had been a very good time of learning and fellowship. One of the new members of the group approached me. His name was Jake,* and without any preamble, he started talking. Though this was our first conversation, he wasn’t bashful or reserved. He spoke to me as if we were old friends.

As Jake shared bits and pieces about himself, I was able to piece together his life. Jake had started attending our youth group because he had fathered a child with one of the girls in the group. At age 16 and still in junior high, he was already a father. But it didn’t seem to trouble him at all.

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I see the problem of syncretism!

In-ká-hai cover with sticky notesA bright and cheery summer’s day is a great time to explore the local farmer’s market. For years, Sarah* has not only enjoyed visiting the market but has also had a booth—selling jewellery and women’s clothing. On her breaks, she enjoys strolling among the booths, admiring the wares on display and chatting with other vendors.

One Saturday, as she wended her way through the crowds, she passed Michael’s* booth. He was there with his hiking sticks. But these were no ordinary hiking sticks. Attached to the end of each was a leather cord strung with coloured beads: white, green, black, red and yellow. The hiking sticks were free for the asking. As Michael would hand out each stick, he would take the opportunity to give a brief explanation of the gospel using the beads.

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Stitching together the story of hope


Quilt StoryStacy* looked around the room. It was filled with women who were recovering addicts. Behind the expectant faces were stories of poor choices, wrong turns and heartaches of every kind. Stacy wasn’t sure why each of them had ended up in this room with her. But each lady had before her scraps of cloth, thread, and other materials. Today, they were gathered to learn quilting. As well, they were about to learn what God had to say about life, death, and life after death.

About four years earlier, Stacy had attended a GoodSeed TERM Seminar. There, she had been thrilled to learn a simple, clear and effective way to share the gospel. She had journeyed through By This Name and, since then, had been waiting for God to show her how she could share the good news with others.

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Ready for a trip? Then zap the QR code!

QR Code CardsWe love to hear from believers who are serious about sharing the gospel message. We get encouraged when they explain how they are sharing the good news with the people in their communities. The other day, Laura* called our office to ask for help.

I talk to lots of young people all the time. I ask them if they know much about the Bible. Many don’t. I ask if they are interested in learning about the Bible. Some of them are curious! But I don’t always have a book on hand that I can give to them. I wonder if you can help me make one of those code squares, the kind they zap with their smartphones and it opens a website.

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MUSA’nın yazılarından başlayarak … now available for download

MUSA’nın yazılarından başlayarak …It’s been in print in Turkey for some time now, but today we are making the Turkish edition of And Beginning with Moses… available as a free PDF download on our website.

And Beginning with Moses… is our primer on sharing the gospel following the example of Jesus on the road to Emmaus. It details the challenges we face in communicating the gospel in today’s culture, including issues like:

  • Syncretism
  • Being too brief
  • Assuming too much of your listener
  • Not covering the essentials of the gospel

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This book was good… and necessary

Hebrew Tabernacle

The exhibitor’s hall at the children’s education conference was quiet as the attendees were at their sessions. Carl,* a sixty-year-old security guard, was making his round of the booths. One particular exhibit caught his eye and he went for a closer look. He realized it was a model of the Hebrew Tabernacle. Daniel,* the GoodSeed staff manning the booth, greeted Carl and asked, “Are you familiar with the Tabernacle?”

Carl nodded hesitantly and replied, “I do have some idea.” Daniel picked up a copy of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus and opened it to Chapter 9 to show Carl where the Tabernacle was explained in the book. Daniel took a few minutes to explain the significance of the Tabernacle—it was a visual aid that illustrated the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Continue reading “This book was good… and necessary”