How do I share the gospel with my elderly father?

Chinese Stranger Book and Audiobook

Question: I want to share the gospel with my elderly father. He loves to read his Chinese newspapers but I’m not confident he will read through The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus if I give him a copy. What do you suggest?

Answer: We would recommend spending the time to lead him through a study. If you set aside about 11 hours, you can try this: each of you hold a copy of the Chinese edition of The Stranger and you read it out loud to him. Do a section or several sections each day for two weeks. It’s best to complete the book in the shortest possible time so as not to break the flow of the narrative.

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In-ká-hai: Snapshots of life among the Manjúi

Manjúi life

We look forward to the In-ká-hai book dedication this Saturday. We will be sharing some photos of life among the Manjúi. Looking through the many photos from that time, we were particularly tickled to see the missionaries’ children enjoying life with the Manjúi children. Kids are often a bridge in building friendships in a cross-cultural situation and the Humphreys’ children were no exception. We can’t wait to hear more stories this Saturday.

Don’t forget, In-ká-hai is also available in ebook format. If you have a Kindle, iBooks, a Kobo, a Nook or Google eBooks (or any e-reader that supports EPUB), you can visit our web store and download a copy of In-ká-hai today.

Read to me, please

Reading Together

(Editor’s note: In life, we are often faced with difficult circumstances: an illness or some tragedy. Even during these times, if we look beyond ourselves, we can find God bringing someone into our lives with whom we can share the gospel message. This is Phoebe’s* story.)

A day after we shared Brad Powell’s video testimony, we received an email from Phoebe. She wrote, “I have wanted to write to you for some time and thank you for the book, ‘By this Name.'”

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A visit to a Thai Youth Detention Center

Thai Detention Center

A short-term missions team recently travelled to the Buddhist nation of Thailand. As part of the trip, the team visited two detention centers for youths. Altogether, they interacted with about 300 teenagers—most of whom were boys, plus a handful of girls.

The team sang songs, played games and performed a skit about Jesus to an audience who had almost no knowledge of the BIble. The team explained briefly who Jesus was, how he was crucified, and how he gained victory over sin and death. Despite the stares of the other youths, two teens responded by saying they wanted to put their trust in Jesus as their Saviour.

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Available from today: “In-ká-hai: How Sweet It Is!”

in-ká-haiWe are happy to announce that In-ká-hai: How Sweet It Is! is now available in all our offices (US, Canada, UK and Australia) and also on our two web stores: US and Canada. In addition, we have released them in two ebook formats: mobi (for Kindle) and ePub (for iBooks, Google Books, Nook, Kobo and more.)

In-ká-hai is part of the Ambassador Series and can be used for personal study, small groups or a class about evangelism. The lessons learnt from the Manjúi experience can be applied to believers everywhere as we live out the biblical mandate to be ambassadors for Christ.

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TERM Seminar in Turkey: Teaching as they had been taught

All that the Prophets have Spoken in Turkish
An important component of GoodSeed’s ministry is training. Our staff make trips to places around the globe to conduct our TERM Seminars. A year ago, we held a seminar in Turkey, where among the participants were a pastor and his wife.

The pastor’s wife was very studious. She wrote copious notes in the margins of her copy of the Turkish edition of All that the Prophets have Spoken. In fact, she probably took more notes than anyone else during the course!

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“In-ká-hai” in the making

Making In-ká-hai
A number of years ago our intern, Chantal, was tasked with taking the Manjúi experience and crafting it into a story. The intent was not just to share a powerful testimony of frontline missionary work but to make a link between a tribal group and our friends and neighbours who live in a modern, urban setting. The lack of Bible knowledge among the Manjúi is echoed in our friends—their Bible illiteracy makes it hard for them to understand who Jesus is and what happened on the cross. There is so much we can learn from how the Bible teachers taught the Manjúi. That’s the essence of the book.

In the photo, the manuscript of “In-ká-hai” is laid out on two long tables on the right. Chantal is seated at her desk. John Cross and the Humphreys (who are featured in the book) are huddled together, going through the draft and making corrections.

“In-ká-hai” will be available Sep 23 on our web stores.

I’m calling you from the casino!

Casino cards

(Editor’s note: So often we find that people stay clear of the church simply because they don’t understand what the Bible is all about. But when there is understanding, there is life transformation.)

One of our staff had the opportunity to preach at church one Sunday morning. He chose John 1:29 as the key verse to speak on: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

“Do you know what that truly means?” he asked the congregation. “Here is John baptizing people in the waters of the Jordan, when all of a sudden, he stops and points to an approaching man. And he exclaims, ‘Behold the lamb of God!’ What a strange expression.”

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Me no English!

All that the Prophets have Spoken (Arabic)

Editor’s note: In a world where migration is the norm, our ears may hear the sounds of a foreign language just down the street. Are we prepared to share the gospel in another language right in our neighbourhood? Here is one man’s story of how he did it.

During Easter, Jason* went for a walk around his neighbourhood. It wasn’t a casual stroll, however. Jason carried a bag loaded with tools that explained the gospel. He was on a journey to offer people in his community a chance to examine the Bible and learn its message.

At one house, he rang the bell and a lady answered the door. He smiled warmly at her but she studied him with narrowed eyes.

“Me no English,” she muttered.

“Oh,” said Jason. “What language do you speak?”


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Nick Vujicic in Thailand

"By This Name" booklet

As an equipping ministry, our tools are often used by organizations around the world to give people an opportunity to understand the gospel message. Just last week, Nick Vujicic, from the organization Life Without Limbs, was in Thailand. Nick spoke at two events, one in Chiangmai and one in Bangkok. The ministry sponsoring Life Without Limbs decided to hand out our materials to the event attendees.

The attendees were given a booklet that contained the first two chapters of the Thai edition of By This Name. The booklet also included many testimonies of prominent Thai people who had read the book and were impacted by it. At the back of the booklet was information on how to get a copy of the book.

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