There’s no way you’re sharing that story!

Can we meet?Sandra* is an easygoing person with an affable manner that allows her to easily make friends with strangers. She knows how to tell a story and she can engage in tough conversations without getting into an argument. She has been volunteering at a hospital and gets to meet many types of patients. Not too long ago, she met Erin, who was dying of a serious illness. Having appreciated an earlier visit, Erin wanted another opportunity to talk to Sandra. Fortunately, Erin’s doctor, who was sympathetic to her needs, also knew Sandra and so arranged for the two women to have some time together.

What ensued was a three-hour meeting. Sandra had brought along with her a copy of What are Christmas and Easter All About? and, with Erin’s permission, was able to read aloud the entire booklet. Sandra went on to answer Erin’s questions and, by the end of their visit, Erin had put her trust in Jesus for salvation. She was now a believer!

Barely three weeks after this meeting, Erin passed away. She left a letter instructing her young adult sons to invite Sandra to speak at her funeral. Erin specifically requested that Sandra read aloud What are Christmas and Easter All About?, just as she had done during that earlier time together. A furore broke out. Jeremy, Erin’s brother, strongly objected to Sandra’s presence at the funeral.

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Can you help? Journey with us to complete “No Ordinary Story”

No Ordinary Story dress rehearsalWe’ve been working hard on a musical that shares the message of the gospel. Some of you have heard songs from it. Others are joining us for the first public performance.

We invite you to journey with us in prayer and support as we move into our next phase of production.

When completed, this 90-minute musical will be released in two formats:

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You gotta do it again. You’re not saved

Brad Powell struggled for many years to understand what salvation meant. He grew up in a religious family whose faith was based on fear. They were focused on doing the ‘right’ things and doing their best to avoid the ‘wrong’ things. Every day, he feared he wasn’t good enough to be accepted by God.

Brad’s family firmly believed that baptism was necessary for salvation. As Brad’s father baptized him, the pastor stopped them and said, “You gotta do it again. You didn’t go all the way under the water.” Hearing this crushed Brad’s heart. He was never certain of his salvation.

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Looking for Italian coffee

Looking for Italian coffeeIt seems God can use just about any circumstances to bring people to him. Agnes* has a love for Italian coffee and in the small German city where she lives, she knows of an Italian gelato cafe that serves great coffee. One day, she stopped by to get a cup of her favourite brew and was dismayed to find that the cafe had just closed for the day. As she stood among the al fresco tables wondering what to do next, she noticed a couple sitting nearby at a table. She wasn’t sure why, but felt prompted to speak to them.

Exchanging pleasantries with them, Agnes learned that they were Elena and Salvatore, a couple who had just moved from Italy. When Agnes told them that she really loved the coffee from the cafe, Elena replied, “Well, of course; it’s Italian!” They had a good laugh and chatted a little more. Elena said that, being new in the city, they didn’t have any friends and that it was hard to get to know people.

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Getting ready for our first public performance of “No Ordinary Story”

No Ordinary Story choir presentation

We are grateful for the partnership of a local church in presenting two performances of No Ordinary Story in the coming weeks. While the choir, soloists and actors are excited to share the gospel message in song and story, we are excited about the possibility of performing the musical in front of the public for the first time.

The creative team has poured hours into the music, lyrics and scores. They’ve also spent time crafting of the story that ties all the songs together. They’ve prepared the slides, the sound effects and are working on the staging. We’re praying it all works out well. The aim is to have a package that churches of all sizes can take and perform anywhere in the world.

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TERM Seminar: I saw her worldview!

Term Seminar in IrelandDuring the month of May, John Cross and team had six one-day or two-evening TERM Seminars in the UK and Ireland. It was a wonderful time of teaching, learning, fellowship and encouraging each other to be faithful ambassadors for Christ. The vision for TERM is to train believers to be confident sharers of the gospel message and to help them “make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:6 NIV).

One participant, has been putting her training into practice. She wrote to tell us about her first sharing experience after TERM:

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Attend a TERM Seminar in one of six US locations this fall

Coffee shop study

John Cross and the GoodSeed teaching team will be conducting one-day TERM Seminars in the USA this fall. Partnering with different churches and ministries, the seminars will be held in Idaho, Pennsylvania, Iowa, California and Wisconsin.

GoodSeed’s TERM Seminars are a time to stop and rethink our approach to evangelism and discipleship in today’s ever-changing world. As believers, how do we engage with our friends, neighbors, co-workers and loved ones and share the gospel message with them? TERM takes the time to look into Scripture to see what it has to say about sharing the good news in today’s world.

If you are keen to get fresh wind in your evangelism sails or if you are in charge of evangelism, outreach or discipleship at your church, then sign up for one of the TERM Seminars near you.

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He was contemplating suicide that very morning

Lonely treeSome years ago, 19-year-old Reuben* attended a Bible study. He was not a believer but he wanted to learn the message of the Bible. He was given a book, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus and, over a number of weeks, was taught the gospel message. At the end of the study, he put his trust in Christ for salvation.

After telling his family that he was now a believer, his younger brother Conner became very spiteful and gave Reuben a nasty time. Though this caused Reuben to struggle with his faith, he never gave up what he believed. Meantime, Conner simply made things worse. He terrorized his brother, both verbally and physically. What Reuben didn’t know at the time was that Conner was struggling to find any meaning in his life.

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A good book will go anywhere

A good book will go anywhereI have a vintage collection of little books I inherited from my late father. Most were published in the 19th century. I enjoy gleaning literary morsels from their yellowed, sometimes fragile pages.

One book in particular, despite its small size, stands tall in my view. It’s titled, The Traveller’s Guide From Death to Life. Imagine my surprise to learn over five million copies of this book have been printed in various editions. That is a lot of books even by today’s best-seller standards!

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