Is this what Easter is all about?

For most people, the above image represents the essence of Easter—eggs, bunnies and chocolate. Perhaps this year, you can help those around you understand the true meaning behind Easter. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Children can give booklets that explain the gospel to their friends and classmates, along with a sweet treat.
  • Offer a small booklet to friends on social media that explains the message of Easter, like one gentleman did.
  • Make gospel booklets available at the reception or waiting area of your business.
  • Gift a booklet or CD that shares the gospel, along with a sweet treat to your neighbours.

Consider sharing these:

Booklets to give away
GoodSeed has two booklets, ideal for giving away at Easter. What are Christmas & Easter all About? and The Story that Matters explain the Good News from creation to the cross and are priced to give away en masse. Many people are curious and open to learning more.

Radio Theatre Sale
When you purchase 10 or more copies of the No Ordinary Story Radio Theatre from our North American store, you will receive more than 70% off the base price from now until March 17.

Free 7-minute Easter presentation.
This animated, poetic story follows two disciples whose despair turns to joy upon understanding the incredible message of the resurrection. This video is available to use for FREE, in your church or to share on social media. Click on the video link below to watch and download.

Alive with a Roar from GoodSeed on Vimeo.

Alive with a Roar

Celebrate the incredible story of the Cross and the Tomb with this animated presentation of the poem “Alive with a Roar.” And then share it widely.

[If you would like to download this resurrection poem video to share in your church’s Easter services, please watch it on Vimeo and click the download button at ]

We left Jerusalem, about midday
Avoiding travellers along the way.
Taking the road alone, dusty and dry,
Trying to escape that prying eye.

We argued as we walked, what could it mean
Of Jesus, and the miracles we’d seen?
Of stories we’d heard, of places we’d been,
How a lamb could atone for one’s own sin.

Half in fear, half in hope,
Rehearsing His life, trying to cope.
First we whispered, then we cried
You see, we were there when Jesus died.

Then a stranger joined us unaware—
His presence fresh, like a gust of air.
We gave no thought, where he was from
And took no interest in how he’d come.

At first he spoke not yet a word,
But listened carefully, as we conferred.
As we discussed the day’s events
And all that Jesus was up against.

The stranger then spoke, as in dismay,
“Why do you dispute along the way?”
Stunned, we said, “Didn’t you see the throng,
The trial, the crucifixion, the terrible wrong?”

Continue reading “Alive with a Roar”

We all could use some Good News this Christmas!

Christmas is an ideal time to share the Gospel with others. It tends to be a season of greater openness, of gift-giving, of sharing the things close to our hearts. Christmas gives us a unique once-a-year opportunity to touch the lives of those who might otherwise not be open to receiving such a gift.

Here are some ideas to consider:

1. What are Christmas and Easter all About? is a cost-effective, full-colour illustrated booklet, giving a simple  explanation of the Gospel.
2. The Story that Matters is a cost-effective booklet, illustrated with expressive line art, giving a simple explanation of the Gospel.

These booklets are ideal for mass giveaways. Costing less than a Christmas card, consider giving the Gospel message instead. Hand them out at the close of your Christmas Eve service, include them in gift baskets given away for the season, or tuck one into your gift to your neighbour or co-worker.

3. No Ordinary Story is a boxed set of small booklets, which together explain the Gospel in bite-sized pieces. Illustrated and easy to read, these books are ideal for those who are not big readers, have limited time or who may be indifferent to the Bible’s message. For ages 12+.
4. The Lamb is for the young ones in your life, giving them a simple, yet crystal clear explanation of the gospel message in this beautifully illustrated hard cover book. Countless children have come to know their Saviour through the reading of this book. For ages 5-12.

Do you have a burden for specific individuals in your life? Perhaps you have children or grandchildren who need to firmly understand the Bible’s message. Or a neighbour, co-worker or friend with whom you’ve built up a relationship and would accept a gift of this nature. Christmas is a natural time to give such gifts and have them readily accepted.

Whatever happens this Christmas, let’s be people who are full of the Good News of Christ and ready to share “a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15).

New Chinese Translation of “What are Christmas and Easter all About?”

GoodSeed International has linked with Ambassadors for Christ to make this online booklet available over the Easter Season. For the next two weeks, you can download this booklet at no charge and share it with your friends and family.

Download PDF of Chinese edition


UPDATE: Now available in print!

More information about the English edition of “What are Christmas and Easter all About?”

Redeeming the time

The coronavirus crisis has cancelled sports. What will we watch?
It has cancelled meetings. Where will we go?
It has limited travel. What should we do to keep our minds busy?

Perhaps it’s a good time to strengthen ourselves in God’s Word…

Churches and families can be proactive and launch their people on a survey of the Bible. For years, I began Bible courses by asking students to fill in an 80-question survey of the Bible. These were not complicated questions; they were questions every believer should ace. The results of the survey were troubling. Often the Old Testament portion was almost blank. One middle-aged lady who had been a believer for many years, wrote across the blank Old Testament portion in large letters, “This is why I am here.” A pastor looking at the survey results from his own church remarked, “I didn’t realize my own elders knew so little.”


Now might be a good time to launch your congregation on an in-home study. Here is what we have to offer:

  • Salvation:
    • Deep dive with By This Name, a 374-page book covering 1,570 fully quoted verses, plus 66 video clips, giving a creation-to-Christ survey of the Bible.
    • As an alternative, No Ordinary Story covers the same material in less detail. (Eleven booklets, each 48 pages. Chapters can be read in 5 minutes or less. There are also 64 video clips to compliment the teaching in the books. There are no workbooks available for this series yet.)
    • For the non-reader, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus VideoBook. Eleven hours of watching, broken into chapters and sections. We also have this material available in book format, as well accompanying workbooks.
  • Sanctification:
    • Firm up your own, your family’s, or your congregation’s understanding of what it means to walk with the Lord by faith. The Captive and the King’s Will takes you on a journey with the Apostle Peter as he learns and teaches the ABCs of the Christian life. This book will take you a lot deeper than you can imagine.

**For Those Experiencing Financial Hardship: Coupons for many free e-books are available for those who cannot afford them otherwise. Also, the videobook mentioned above can be watched without cost on our website.

Basic Bible Knowledge Questions

For years, John Cross began Bible courses by asking students to fill in a questionnaire about the Bible. These were not complicated questions; they were questions every believer should ace, but the results of the survey were troubling. Often the Old Testament portion was almost blank. One middle-aged lady who had been a believer for many years, wrote across the blank Old Testament portion in large letters, “This is why I am here.” A pastor looking at the survey results from his own church remarked, “I didn’t realize my own elders knew so little.”

This quiz does not test a person’s general Bible knowledge. Rather, it reveals one’s understanding of biblical foundations specifically related to the message of the Gospel. This includes the reliability of Scripture, the identity of Jesus and the purpose for the cross and the tomb. Many key stories, concepts and trivia are not addressed, as they are not central to understanding the Gospel.

View the Questions: Questions Quiz

View the answer key: Questions Quiz – Answers

Sharing hope in uncertain times

In these uncertain times, as we watch people at all levels of society struggle to cope with the fallout from COVID-19, those of us at GoodSeed want to do all we can to help you present hope and answers to those around you. Many people who were resistant or indifferent to the Gospel before are suddenly much more receptive at this time. Let’s be ready to provide the answers to those who are seeking.

First of all, please do take advantage of the many e-books we have on our website, available in many languages as well. These are great to send electronically to friends near and far. We don’t want financial considerations to limit your ability to reach out to those who need it, so please utilize the code GOODSEEDFREE if you need to.

Also, the VideoBook for The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus is available for free viewing on our website. While great for personal study, this course would also be ideal for online Bible studies or Sunday school classes. Churches may wish to utilize this course for taking their congregations through an overview of the Gospel.

In all other ways, here at GoodSeed we are continuing to do our jobs, doing what we can to help make the gospel known around the world. We are available by phone and email to answer your questions and we are on hand to fulfill orders to the best of our ability.

If there’s anything we can do to assist you as you seek to reach out to others, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

When all is said and done, may we be known for the love we have shown and the hope that we have offered as believers during this incredible time.

Ideas for using “The Lamb”

The Lamb can be used in so many ways

Every once in a while we get an order that piques our curiousity as to how our evangelism and discipleship resources are being used. When a woman ordered 16 copies of our Children’s book, The Lamb, we noticed she had ordered another case just a few months previously. When we asked her why she was ordering so many Lamb books, we received this:

“I have never had my hands on a more thorough gospel message.  It’s beautifully written and illustrated. I’ve used it in Sunday school and used it with my own kids to share with them the story of the gospel message and what God has done for us. God spoke to me about these books recently. He impressed upon me that each of our church members should have one. I ordered one case earlier on and realized we didn’t have enough to give each family so I’ve ordered another case to be here in time for Easter [so] each family will get one book. They may choose to keep it or give it away to someone who needs the gospel message. Thank you for providing this wonderful book.

We have heard from many people who give copies of The Lamb at every baby shower or to new parents in their church, and many more stories of grandparents giving the books to their grandkids.
We love hearing back from people about how they use these books! Share your story with us at

Pregnancy Care Centre Resource

We also had a large order of several cases of The Lamb from a pregnancy care centre in Alberta. We asked them about what they plan to do with 100+ books, and they give one to each of their clients in a layette, a gift basket of supplies to help these expectant new parents. We think this is a wonderful outreach idea!

We have also heard from those who purchase a case of books at a discount to donate to their local centres as part of their personal ministry to their community.

Does your community have a faith-based pregnancy care centre that could make use of these books as part of their ministry?