How can I help a 70-year-old man understand the gospel?

Old manVicky* sent us an email with an urgent question:

What can I give to a 70-year-old man in the hospital with heart problems? He’s very religious and believes he is a “good man.” Do you have any audio or DVDs? I am not sure he will read. He is so not open to the gospel, because he believes he does not need it. Thanks so much for any help.


We explained to Vicky that we were in the midst of producing an audiobook edition of By This Name. In the meantime, given the elderly man’s condition, we recommended the following ideas:

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A providential mistake

Little girl reading The LambWe have great staff who look after all the orders coming in (via phone calls, online store and walk-ins) and they ensure each order is shipped out in a timely manner. However, occasionally a mistake is made and then we do our utmost to make sure we correct it to the best of our ability.

Last fall, one such mistake became a blessing in disguise—both for our customer as well as for us as a staff.

Lisa,* a French language teacher in a Christian school, had been introduced to GoodSeed resources by an enthusiastic friend. When she was given The Lamb to read to her four-year-old daughter, she did so several times, appreciating the simple and clear message the book contained. They especially connected with the explanation of the atoning lamb sacrifice and how it pictures Christ’s sacrifice for us. Lisa said, “It is written so clearly!”

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I would love to use this book to help others understand!

By This Name StudyAt one of our TERM Seminars in Canada last year, Walter* flew up from the States to join in. He’s a missionary working primarily in Western Asia and had been using one of our translations to teach. Now, he was looking to learn how we use the books as curriculum. He joined us as we went through By This Name with the rest of the group. Over the course of the week, Walter listened very attentively and learned how we guide a group through the gospel message. At the end, he wrote us a very encouraging note.

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“No Ordinary Story”: You have to perform this again!

No Ordinary Story - First Public Performance

The lady on the phone said in a firm voice:

You need to understand, the musical was incredible. I’ve people I want to bring to this. They need to hear this message. I’ve a list of elderly people who go to church but I know they’re not believers. Even for me, there are a few things that I’ve never understood even though I’ve been going to church most of my life.”

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Keeping the family vacation property

summer-houseJerry and Diane always assumed that once they passed away, the family vacation property would pass to the children and their families to be enjoyed for generations to come.

When they bought the property 40 years ago they dreamed it would become the centre of family life and fun – and indeed it has. But a friend told them recently that there was a strong possibility that the appreciated value of the vacation property would trigger a capital gain issue that would result in a hefty tax bill levied on their estate.

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There’s no way you’re sharing that story!

Can we meet?Sandra* is an easygoing person with an affable manner that allows her to easily make friends with strangers. She knows how to tell a story and she can engage in tough conversations without getting into an argument. She has been volunteering at a hospital and gets to meet many types of patients. Not too long ago, she met Erin, who was dying of a serious illness. Having appreciated an earlier visit, Erin wanted another opportunity to talk to Sandra. Fortunately, Erin’s doctor, who was sympathetic to her needs, also knew Sandra and so arranged for the two women to have some time together.

What ensued was a three-hour meeting. Sandra had brought along with her a copy of What are Christmas and Easter All About? and, with Erin’s permission, was able to read aloud the entire booklet. Sandra went on to answer Erin’s questions and, by the end of their visit, Erin had put her trust in Jesus for salvation. She was now a believer!

Barely three weeks after this meeting, Erin passed away. She left a letter instructing her young adult sons to invite Sandra to speak at her funeral. Erin specifically requested that Sandra read aloud What are Christmas and Easter All About?, just as she had done during that earlier time together. A furore broke out. Jeremy, Erin’s brother, strongly objected to Sandra’s presence at the funeral.

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Can you help? Journey with us to complete “No Ordinary Story”

No Ordinary Story dress rehearsalWe’ve been working hard on a musical that shares the message of the gospel. Some of you have heard songs from it. Others are joining us for the first public performance.

We invite you to journey with us in prayer and support as we move into our next phase of production.

When completed, this 90-minute musical will be released in two formats:

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You gotta do it again. You’re not saved

Brad Powell struggled for many years to understand what salvation meant. He grew up in a religious family whose faith was based on fear. They were focused on doing the ‘right’ things and doing their best to avoid the ‘wrong’ things. Every day, he feared he wasn’t good enough to be accepted by God.

Brad’s family firmly believed that baptism was necessary for salvation. As Brad’s father baptized him, the pastor stopped them and said, “You gotta do it again. You didn’t go all the way under the water.” Hearing this crushed Brad’s heart. He was never certain of his salvation.

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