Prison ministry: I know I’ve broken all ten commandments

Chainlink Fence

As Philip* walks down the corridor lit by harsh fluorescent lights, he quickly prays to prepare himself for what lies ahead. The prison guards are expressionless as they check him and his belongings. Satisfied that he is clean, they open the heavy gate and let him through.

Another guard leads the way. Philip knows his way around the prison but understands this is protocol. In this higher security facility, Philip is not allowed to bring in any books, papers or visual aids. All he has is what’s in his head and the set of DVDs he is carrying with him.

He is ushered into a spartan room with tables and chairs. At the front is a TV set and DVD player which he quickly sets up. Before too long, a door on the far end of the room opens, and inmates shuffle into the room. Philip looks up and smiles broadly at them. They smile back.

“Hello again,” he greets them. “Shall we continue with our study?”

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Worldview Rethink: Tools to help you share the biblical worldview

Worldview Rethink curriculum

In the past, whenever we’ve conducted TERM Seminars, we use various teaching aids to help participants engage with God’s Word so that they understand clearly the message of the gospel.

We employ tools like visual aids and workbooks. We also get participants to read the Scripture portions, underline key points and watch the interactive video clips that provide supplementary information.

After each seminar, the top questions invariably are: “Can I get those notes you have so I can teach the way you do?” and “Where can I get those visual aids to help me teach?”

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Indiana Jones and the power of a visual aid

The power of a visual aidSome months ago, John Cross met with a pastor over breakfast at a local diner. Their purpose in sitting down together was to become acquainted with each other and for John to share about the ministry of GoodSeed and how it might be of assistance to other ministries.

Before John could launch into his presentation, however, the pastor began blitzing him with questions regarding GoodSeed and its approach to teaching. At one point, John was explaining GoodSeed’s use of visual aids and how many ordinary believers have found them effective in helping people connect with the biblical worldview.

John pulled out a visual aid he had with him and placed it on the table between them. “Let’s see how long it’ll take for this to help launch a conversation with someone here in the restaurant.”

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“No Ordinary Story” in no ordinary church

Train arriving

The musical committee at GoodSeed has been working on No Ordinary Story for more than four years. Today, the scores have been written, the script is ready and a demo CD has been produced. We are now at the live testing stage.

A church that has been wanting to share the gospel message with its congregation in a fresh way has pulled together a group of singers and actors for two performances aimed for this summer. We are excited to be able to gain more valuable feedback as we refine the musical for release.

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Leave a legacy of Kingdom building

working-today-difference-tomorrowWe seldom want to contemplate death–either our own or someone else’s but we do know it will come to us all–and oftentimes unexpected.

We do not know how long we are here on this earth. But while we are, we want our lives to make a difference. And so we invest our time, our talent and our treasure into building God’s Kingdom and serving the Master.

We work, we build and we accumulate. The assets we accumulate during our lifetime allow us to live and serve today. Deciding on the disposition of those assets beyond our life can allow a ministry to continue serving tomorrow.

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New: All that the Prophets have Spoken Interactive Edition and Leader’s Guide

All that the Prophets have Spoken Leader's Guide and Interactive EditionToday, we’re excited to announce the launch of two new resources: All that the Prophets have Spoken Interactive Edition and All that the Prophets have Spoken Leader’s Guide.

All that the Prophets have Spoken Interactive Edition

As the influence of Islam becomes more widespread, we meet more Muslims. But how do we communicate with them the central message of the Scriptures? While it is true that many Old Testament stories are mentioned in the Quran and that it refers to some of the same prophets, there are significant differences in interpretation and understanding.

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Sometimes it takes many believers

Airport TerminalThe journey of a person from knowing nothing about the God of the Bible to being able to put one’s trust in him for salvation takes many forms. Sometimes, it’s a straightforward journey; other times, it takes many believers along the way, each providing another piece of the puzzle—explaining a little more about who Jesus Christ is and what he accomplished on the cross for all people.

During a long journey, Jian Hui met Nick and Lisa,* a missionary couple on their way to Southeast Asia. They had a wonderful chat and agreed to keep in touch via email. Nick and Lisa wrote about their lives and Jian Hui described hers.

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Easter: Praise the Risen Lord

The story of the empty cross and the empty tomb is the source of hope and joy for believers around the world. The death of Jesus as our substitute to pay for our sin-debt and the gift of his righteousness given to us constitute the meaning of the empty cross and the empty tomb.

He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. Romans 5:25 (NIV)

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Good Friday: My Favourite Lamb

My Favourite Lamb

On this Good Friday, we want to share with you a special song. It’s taken from the musical that we’re developing entitled, No Ordinary Story. The musical centers on three strangers who meet on a train. They begin to have a conversation about the meaning of life, death and life after death. Along the way, one of the three shares the biblical worldview, explaining what the Bible is all about. Performed with a blend of drama and song, No Ordinary Story takes a journey through the gospel story using a historical narrative.

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Ambassadors, ready to share

The Alberta TERM Seminar concluded on Saturday with many of the participants ready and eager to seek opportunities to share the gospel with the people in their lives. After seeing how easy it is to give away a book or video that explains the gospel, and after experiencing how to lead a course with the Worldview Rethink curriculum, the seminar participants left equipped with tools and training. Most of all, they were filled with new excitement about the power of the gospel to change lives. We pray the Lord will let them cross paths with others who want to learn about the core message of the Bible.

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