A time to rethink evangelism and discipleship

The TERM Seminar in Olds, Alberta, Canada is on. We had participants from near and far coming for a concentrated time of learning about evangelism and discipleship in the context of today’s world of shifting culture and increasing biblical illiteracy. GoodSeed staff weren’t the only ways sharing their experiences in explaining the gospel; the participants were also encouraged to share how they’ve been sharing the good news as well. There is a spectrum of people at this seminar: from ordinary believers, pastors, missionaries and other ministry workers. All are gathered to refresh their hearts on the gospel and to learn how GoodSeed tools can help them be more effective in sharing the good news.

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How do I share the meaning of Easter?

What are Christmas and Easter All About?GoodSeed is all about equipping the body of Christ with the tools to be effective ambassadors. We are very glad when believers write to tell us how they’ve been using our resources to share the gospel message. Recently, Abby* wrote us the following email:

“I have taught the amazing The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus study numerous times since Sept 11, 2001. I have purchased multiple books, workbooks and the audio/visual aids. At this time, I have the opportunity to share the Easter message in a corporate office to a large group of financial investors! I would like permission to duplicate portions of your book, primarily Chapter 13, to distribute to these men and women in advance. Prayerfully, this will lead to an invitation to share the entire study with this group at a further date.Thank you for this consideration. I will wait for your most expedient reply.

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Prepare for Easter

Prepare for Easter

Easter is fast approaching! Once again, believers are taking this natural opportunity to share the true meaning of Easter with family, friends, co-workers and neighbours. Churches too are planning Easter events for the community.

What are Christmas and Easter All About? and The Lamb are two GoodSeed resources that work well during Easter. Believers and churches give away copies or put up readings or dramas based on these two books.

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A taste of TERM

Here is a 16-minute preview of the TERM Seminar.

Registration is open for the TERM Seminars in Ireland, Northern Ireland and Cardiff. There are a total of six seminars in May 2015. The seminars are either one day in length or spread over two evenings.

TERM is helpful for:

  • the individual who knows he or she should be sharing the gospel but doesn’t know how.
  • the church seeking a way to train its congregation so that all its members can be ready to share the gospel at all times.

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Over 90 and trusting Christ for the first time

90-year-old man

Since the launch of The Story that Matters, we’ve seen individuals and churches give out hundreds and hundreds of the 64-page booklet. One reason people like to use this small book is that it provides background and information about the God of the Bible (who he is and what he is like), the problem of sin and the salvation that Jesus offers. For someone with no background about the Bible, the booklet uses a historical narrative to introduce God in a way that makes sense.

Recently, we received an email from Amanda.* She had ordered ten copies and passed several to her sister who helps care for an elderly neighbour. Amanda relates what happened:

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That doesn’t make you a Christian

what-does-it-meanLouise* had been a believer for many years. She had come to faith in Christ while still a student at a Christian school but for many years, her understanding of Scripture was shallow. Now in her sixties, she recently signed up for a small group. One of the first things she was asked to share was her personal testimony. She had never done anything like that before and was nervous about revealing her own life story.

As she sat among the small group members, the leader decided to help by gently quizzing her. Louise was asked, “When did you have a personal encounter with Jesus?”

Louise was confused. “Well, I went to a Christian school,” she started to say.

The small group leader said, “But that doesn’t make you a Christian.”

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Make the most of every opportunity

IV drip

Sometimes we have only a brief moment in time to share the gospel with an individual. Other times, as Peter* discovered, the opportunities for interaction may stretch over years.

Peter met Bill* under difficult circumstances. Peter himself had travelled quite a distance to the regional cancer clinic for a bone marrow transplant. Chemotherapy and radiation would later follow. Bill, on the other hand, was there to be by his wife’s side as she fought her own battle with cancer.

The first time the men met was in the elevator. The hospital served a wide area so it was only the common denominator of cancer that drew these two to the same location. As they made eye contact, Peter felt immediately that they would form a friendship.

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TERM Alumni sharing the good news

TERM Alumni sharingOur first TERM Seminar for the year is coming up in Olds, Alberta, Canada on Mar 26-28, 2015. The seminar is designed to help believers rethink how they conduct evangelism in an ever-changing world of shifting values and ideologies. Many believers are reluctant to share the good news because they don’t know what to say.

TERM is a time to look into Scripture for a model and an outline on how to share the gospel. The sessions are packed with hands-on time so that participants gain practical experience.

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Boy puts his faith in Christ after reading “The Lamb”

Boy, woman read The Lamb

Recently, we heard from Wesley* on our Facebook page about a story unfolding in his church.

He’d been approached by a lady in his church who was concerned for her grandchildren. Wesley described GoodSeed’s book, The Lamb, to her and the woman immediately requested four books. When she received them, she gave the books to her grandchildren and waited to hear their response.

The mother of one of these grandchildren began reading The Lamb to her son each night before bed. The father, an unbeliever, would be sitting across the room, listening in.

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Special sleeves for “The Story that Matters”

Many of us desire to reach out to acquaintances with the gospel, but struggle to know exactly how to do it. Many of GoodSeed’s materials are ideal for people in just such a situation, equipping individuals with tools they can simply give away like a large gospel tract.

One such tool is our most recent booklet entitled The Story that Matters. Small, affordably priced and illustrated with modern, expressive line art, this sixty-four page book is an excellent tool to hand out to those you meet on the street or en masse to large groups.

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