This past summer, Richard* accepted a call to pastor a church in the US Northeast. As he began his new ministry, one of his areas of responsibility concerned the selection of Sunday school materials. As he thought about what would be most helpful for his congregation, he pulled out his copy of What’s in a Name? This DVD lecture (which is part of the Ambassador Series) focuses on the issue of clearly explaining who Jesus is and what he accomplished on the cross. A person needs to both understand who Jesus is (his identity) and the significance of his life, death and resurrection (his history) if he is to come to faith in Christ.
Richard assembled a teaching outline based on the DVD and taught it. Afterwards, a young man came up and asked to speak to him. It was the second time that Leonard* was visiting the church. Invited into the pastor’s office, the young father gushed, “I finally understand! I believe what you are saying!” Quizzed on what he understood, Leonard was able to clearly explain back to Richard the essence of the gospel. Leonard went on to say that he wanted to turn from his sin and follow Christ. Richard was very encouraged by his response to the message of the gospel.
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