GoodSeed is on the AmazonSmile charity program

GoodSeed is on AmazonSmileAmazon has a charity program called AmazonSmile. It is a simple and automatic way for shoppers to support charities at no cost to the shoppers. One simply goes to AmazonSmile and shops as per normal. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organization of the shopper’s choice.

GoodSeed is one of the charities listed on AmazonSmile. If you are planning to shop at Amazon, you may wish to consider nominating GoodSeed as the receiving charity for this program. If so, just go to AmazonSmile to log in with your regular Amazon account. Then when prompted to select the charity you want to support, search for “GoodSeed USA.”

GoodSeed on AmazonSmile

We want to thank in advance all who choose to support us in this simple way.

The website:

Three churches reach their communities

Small town in snowHolidays are excellent times for reaching out to a community. Many churches do this through concerts, productions and other special events. But those occasions are dependent upon members of the community being willing to darken the doorway of a church, and often, many aren’t willing.

Some time back, we received a report about three churches who wished to bless their communities in a practical way by providing them with a clear gospel presentation. We want to share their story so others might be inspired to bless their communities in a similar fashion.

Continue reading “Three churches reach their communities”

Good News in the midst of chaos

Thai military and police with By This NameDuring the unrest in Thailand at the beginning of the year, the military and police were stationed in many locations around Bangkok and the country. They spent long hours on the streets, doing their best to restore order to a country in chaos.

Many ordinary citizens stayed indoors, trying to avoid getting caught up in the protests. But for one group of people who were diligent ambassadors for Christ, they saw an opportunity to share the gospel message. They loaded up with copies of the Thai edition of By This Name as well as with booklets containing an excerpt of By This Name and testimonies of those who had read it. These dauntless believers then ventured into the streets, handing out the materials to soldiers and police officers. Many accepted the offer and proceeded to read the books at their posts! Please pray with us that many will come to a clear understanding of the gospel and put their trust in Jesus for salvation.

Drawing a blank when it comes to God’s name


Exchanging names is the starting point of any meaningful relationship.

Like a company trademark, one’s personal name carries the goodwill and reputation vested in it over the course of a lifetime. When we hear or read a person’s name, we immediately consult countless thousands of information files tucked away in the recesses of our brain. This phenomenon happens subconsciously, almost instantaneously. Upon locating a match, the metaphoric file opens, revealing all we know about that person.

If you are like me, it seems our retrieval capabilities slow down the older we get. We don’t recall names quite so fast as we once did. But those names with whom we have the most experience and first-hand knowledge, those belonging to our loved ones and closest friends, are usually the last names to fade from conscious memory.

Sometimes when a name is mentioned, our minds come up empty. This happens when we have no background knowledge or history with which to associate a name. We essentially draw a blank.

Continue reading “Drawing a blank when it comes to God’s name”

Holidays, festivities and vacations: great opportunities to share the good news

The Story that Matters SleevesWith the year-end holidays coming soon, many believers around the world are getting ready for different celebrations: Christmas, New Year’s, Thanksgiving and other celebrations. These festivities are with extended family, friends, neighbours and more.

Then there are others who will be doing some travelling. They will meet new people, make friends and have interesting conversations.

As believers, we are on the look out for God-given opportunities to share the good news. And sharing not by barrelling through the message, but with gentleness and respect. One non-threatening way is by giving away a book to let the other person take the time to investigate the gospel message in privacy and in his or her own pace.

Continue reading “Holidays, festivities and vacations: great opportunities to share the good news”

Six ways to share the gospel during the Christmas season

What are Christmas and Easter All About? and The Story that Matters comparison
Christmas is fast approaching and many churches and believers are preparing not only to celebrate this special festival but to make full use of this natural opportunity to share the gospel message with the people in their lives and in their communities. Two resources that are very helpful during this season are What are Christmas and Easter All About? and its brand-new variant, The Story that Matters. This new booklet has the same text as Christmas and Easter but is in a smaller format, and with completely new line art. Now you have the choice of two booklets for your Christmas plans.

Here are six ways to make use of these resources.

Continue reading “Six ways to share the gospel during the Christmas season”

Will the legacy you leave reflect the life you lived?

GoodSeed Canada has recently partnered with ADVISORS with Purpose. They are a ministry of the Canadian National Christian Foundation who are serving charities by helping their donors understand and integrate biblical stewardship into their Wills and estates.

As part of our partnership, ADVISORS with Purpose is offering Canadian supporters of GoodSeed a confidential and complimentary estate plan. Personalized for each supporter, this plan is confidential, biblically based and will help supporters align their Will with their faith, values and desires. We want to assure you that this is entirely free to our supporters and that the folks at ADVISORS with Purpose do not sell anything and none of your personal financial information is ever shared with us or anyone else.

Continue reading “Will the legacy you leave reflect the life you lived?”

Mark Zook: he finished the race, he kept the faith

Mark Zook

On October 17, our dear brother in Christ, Mark Zook went Home to be with the Lord. He was 66. Mark and his wife Gloria have spent the greater part of their lives in church planting, missionary training as well as serving as consultants for other missions organizations.

To many believers around the world, Mark and Gloria are best remembered for their work among the Mouk people of Papua New Guinea. Their time there was captured in two docudramas: “EE-TAOW!” and “EE-TAOW!”—The Next Chapter.

Continue reading “Mark Zook: he finished the race, he kept the faith”

New, simple online giving

Thank you for being a partner!As a faith-based, not-for-profit ministry, GoodSeed relies on a network of financial supporters. Our supporters are partners in ministry because without each of you, our missionaries could not continue their work and the projects would stall. We thank the Lord for each one of you.

We are happy to let you know that we have a newly-launched giving system. It is just as simple to make a one-time gift as it is to set up a recurring monthly donation from your credit card or bank account. Clear menu options make it easy to select a missionary or project, and you can set up a profile account to log into and track your giving or print records as needed.

Continue reading “New, simple online giving”

Urgent need in the Canadian office: Business manager

Canada Office

GoodSeed Canada is in immediate need of a Business Manager to be based in the Olds, Alberta office.

Basic Functions

  • Provide accounting support for governmental, auditorial and operational reporting.
  • Ensure adequate internal controls are in place and maintained.
  • Conduct financial analysis in such areas as forecasting, budgeting, cost reduction analysis, and operations.
  • Oversee all areas of the finance department, including its bookkeeping personnel.
  • Maintain a documented system of accounting policies and procedures.
  • Maintain banking compliance and relationships.
  • Participate in the capital development program (e.g., planned giving).
  • Assist with cost accounting and pricing.
  • Create additional analyses and reports as requested by management.

The Finance Manager candidate should have education in finance or accounting, or equivalent business work experience. Experience in Not-for-Profit Charity accounting is a plus. Preference will be given to candidates with the CA, CMA, CGA designations and/or Not-for-Profit Charity accounting experience. Should have a working knowledge of spreadsheets such as Excel. A working knowledge of QuickBooks is also a plus. Must be a team player, able to work with others. Continue reading “Urgent need in the Canadian office: Business manager”