Do Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 speak of Satan?

Books covered:
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus: Chapter Four, Section 1 “I Will”
All that the Prophets have Spoken: Chapter Four, Section 1 “I Will”
By This Name: Chapter Four, Section 1, “Two Ways”

Do these passages speak of Satan?
In a day and age when the Scriptures are often mangled and twisted out of context it is important that we know why we teach what we do concerning Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. We do not want to allegorize or read a deeper meaning into a passage unless the passage is clearly intended to be understood that way by the original author. We also recognize that some Bible scholars would take a different viewpoint on these passages and this is reflected in some study Bible notations.

In writing The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, the goal was to get down to the basics without being sidetracked on some of the exegetical challenges that exist. There are certain parts of Scripture that are harder to interpret and we would put Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 into that category.

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Sharing the gospel at Christmas time

Christmas is fast approaching. Many believers find that this is a natural opportunity to share the gospel as there is more interest from their co-workers, friends and family. We have a booklet entitled, What are Christmas and Easter all About? It’s 80 pages long, with full-colour illustrations and text in Easy English. It explains the gospel message from Creation to Christ, providing someone with no Bible knowledge the context and necessary information needed to understand the gospel. The booklet is available for bulk purchase, which means it’s an affordable evangelism tool. If you’ve been looking for a way to share the gospel, consider taking the Christmas season to give a book that explains the true meaning of Christmas.

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Something was missing

By This Name

We are always very heartened to hear how our tools help people gain a clear understanding of the gospel message. Sometimes, people spend their entire lives trying to live like a Christian without really knowing what that means. When they finally gain a proper understanding of the gospel, their lives are genuinely transformed.

Here’s one such story.

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The gospel for newborns and newlyweds

A pastor gives “The Lamb” and writes a note to every newborn in his church.

The above photo came along with an inspiring story that was shared with one of our staff members. A pastor mentioned that his church averages about 1.8 babies each month and he wanted to give each child the Gospel. This he does this by giving each newborn a copy of our book, The Lamb. The pastor writes a personal dedication (above, in the photo) to each new baby. His penmanship is simply beautiful but what is more beautiful is the loving note that he writes. He notes that not only does the baby benefit from a clear Gospel presentation through The Lamb but the Mum and Dad also receive a good gospel understanding as they read the book to the newborn their baby.

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“Just Looking” groups

Just Looking Poster
Poster for the “Just Looking” study that invites anyone to come get a clear understanding of the Bible.

While a team of GoodSeed staff were in the UK conducting Worldview Rethink Workshops, we saw this poster at a church in Derby. The church runs “Just Looking” groups for people interested in exploring the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening manner. The book that the church uses is The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus. Using the videos from the Interactive Edition combined with dynamic reading, the leader takes 15 sessions to go through the book and companion workbook. What an easy, non-threatening approach to explain the core message of the Bible to anyone who wishes to understand Christianity better.