Practical steps to share your faith

In the last week, I have read two articles, one having to do with the dropout rate of young folk from attending church and the other on the fact that most church growth is by transfer rather than by conversion. These are not new trends.

Are we assuming our children will just “somehow” absorb the gospel message? Do we lack the know-how to lead them to Christ and ground them in the gospel? Do we even share the gospel with anyone?

Evangelism doesn’t seem to be a big priority in many churches. If you can find a Christian bookstore (many have closed), check out the evangelism shelf. It is quite small and stocked with material written for audiences 40 years ago. By contrast, check out the self-help section. It shows the priorities we have as a church.

GoodSeed has developed an easy-to-use evangelism curriculum that starts with simple steps and moves progressively to t he more complex. Designed for Sunday Schools or Small Groups, “TERM for small groups” will challenge your spiritual life with proven methodology right from the Word. Consider the first two modules:
Module A: Lord, how can I grow in faith when I am stuck? Seven 50-minute sessions that build confidence in the gospel to change lives, including your own.
Module B: Lord, how do I share my faith when I don’t know where to start? Five 50-minute sessions using a crawl-walk-run approach to sharing your faith.

If you wish to go deeper there are three more modules. Every lesson comes with full instructions: an intro, the video component, a time for discussion, a thing to do and a take-away to remember. Lessons include both a Facilitator’s Guide and Student Worksheets.  Learn more at

No Ordinary Story now available

Over the course of three years, GoodSeed has developed a new series of booklets adapted for the Secular Worldview—the “No Ordinary Story” series. Maintaining a Creation-to-Christ approach, the Bible’s core message has been divided into eight small booklets. Chapters are short, taking 3 to 5 minutes to read. Sprinkled throughout the series are video clips that enhance the written content. This basic 8-booklet set can be rounded out with additional books that include a pre-evangelism booklet and two follow-up booklets for those desiring to go deeper.

The “No Ordinary Story” series has been wrung out across a spectrum of audiences, with many people coming to the Lord even during the trial stage. We trust the Lord will use this little tool in a mighty way to bring many to Him.

In the coming weeks we will be sharing multiple ways to use this new tool.

No Ordinary Story

Created for the Secular Worldview

“I’m a ‘None.’” Had I heard him right? Had he said he was a “nun”?

I was taking a taxi across a large city, giving me time to engage the driver in conversation. Soon we were talking about the Bible. “I’m a ‘None,’” he repeated. I was puzzled. “N-O-N-E,” he spelled for me, and then went on to explain that it was his way of saying he wasn’t into religion and stuff like that. It took up too much headspace and besides, it just didn’t interest him.

The truth is, “Nones” have become a recognized norm, and are now very common. The “None” worldview is really a popularized version of the Secular Worldview.

This is the group for whom “No Ordinary Series” was written.

Big Ideas in Bite-Sized Books

The core message is presented in eight booklets :
No Ordinary God: Who is the God of the Bible? What is he like? (introduction to God’s character as revealed through the creation account)
No Ordinary Evil: Why is there so much evil in the world? Where does it come from? (the fall of man, sin and its consequences)
No Ordinary Faith: Why is faith so important? What’s the big deal about trust?
No Ordinary Rules: Does God keep his word? What is the right way to live? (Abraham and Isaac, Moses and Exodus, the giving and purpose of the Ten Commandments)
No Ordinary House: Is there a way out of this mess? What’s with the tent? (sin, works won’t do it, the sacrificial system, the Tabernacle, the Prophets)
No Ordinary Birth: Who was Jesus anyway? How can we be sure? (birth of Jesus, start of his ministry)
No Ordinary Death: Why a cross? Can a dead man live again? (death, burial and resurrection of Jesus)
No Ordinary Plan: Why the lamb? Is it really that simple? (putting it all together)

Background booklet:
No Ordinary Book: What’s the big deal about the Bible? A pre-evangelism booklet building the case for the Bible.

Going Deeper booklets:
No Ordinary Verdict: Am I still guilty? What about shame?
No Ordinary Return: Where is Jesus now? Is he coming back to earth again?

Looking for evangelism resources to give away at Easter?

Every Easter new people visit our churches looking to know more about this unique Christian holiday.

The Story that Matters is an ideal book to give away to those who want to know more about the Good News of Easter. Inexpensive and easy to read, consider giving them away to those who cross your path this Easter season.

This 64-page booklet explains the gospel in a chronological manner from creation to the cross. Using expressive line art illustrations and carefully controlled text, the core message of the Bible is explained in simple-to-understand English so that even someone who uses English as a second language can clearly understand.

With case discounts, this book is priced so it can be given away in large numbers. Churches can present these booklets to visitors or they can be given out at concerts or church programs. Individuals can also give the booklet like a gospel tract to family, friends and neighbours.

Order soon to ensure delivery for Easter.


• Chronological: Begins with the creation of the universe, and then progressing sequentially through key Old Testament stories, it moves into the New Testament to reveal the meaning of the cross and the tomb. The main story of the Bible is tied together into one universal, all-encompassing drama. The content is brief so a reader can complete the book in approximately 45 minutes.
• Assumptions: Assumes reader has little or no prior knowledge of the Bible.
• Fully illustrated: Expressively drawn line art brings the gospel story to life.
• Written for those with limited language skills: Using EasyEnglish, it is suitable for children, teens, ESL readers and those who are not generally readers.

The Captive and the King’s Will

Last month we marked a major milestone–our new book was sent to the printers!

The Captive and the King’s Will is a follow-up book to our evangelism books.

For years, people have been reading these books and asking “What’s next?” We trust this book will answer many of those questions.

While our other books are dedicated to salvation – explaining the Gospel and justification – this new book focuses on sanctification and the Christian life.

We see the Lord preparing the way, as two donors have already paid for the initial print run of the book. Read more and pre-order at:

“I have read your book “All that the Prophets have Spoken and I love it! I was wondering if there were any more…”

The above was part of a letter received from a woman in Ohio. Her letter reflects a question we have received often over the years.

“Your book changed my life! But what’s the next step?”

“I led a “Stranger on the Road to Emmaus” study with a couple ladies and they became Christians. What do I teach them now?”

“I’m discipling a young man who became saved through reading “By This Name,” but I’m not sure where to start. Do you have a follow-up book?”

Now we can say, “YES!”

After many years of field-testing and reworking and more testing and polishing, we are happy to announce that “The Captive and the King’s Will” is on its way! You can pre-order* your copy now on our webstore.

This book is geared toward those who have read one of our main evangelistic books (The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, By This Name or All that the Prophets have Spoken). No assumptions are made of any other exposure to Christianity.

Following the life of Simon Peter, The Captive and the King’s Will guides the new believer into the next steps of what it means to follow Christ. Assuming the reader has little or no previous exposure to church or Christianity, The Captive endeavours to touch on key sanctificational truths, grounding believers in their new-found faith as they pursue a walk with the Lord.

For more information, click here.
To preorder, visit our online store

*Expected release date is 5th Dec 2018. Orders of other GoodSeed materials that include this book will not ship until stock arrives in our warehouse.

New tool for Sunday School and Small Groups

 Are you looking for an evangelism training resource for your small group or Sunday school class? Do you wish to see your group grow in their passion and confidence in the gospel?

TERM for small groups is an easy-to-use course to equip, excite and establish believers in their approach to outreach.

TERM is an acronym for The Emmaus Road Message which finds its origins in the events recorded in Luke 24:13-49, specifically verse 27: “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.”

Upon completion, believers will be well on their way to being equipped for their role as Christ’s ambassadors.

TERM for small groups has all the components, both written and video, that you need to host a meaningful group study of the Bible as it pertains to personal growth, evangelism and discipleship.

Using an open Bible, video and discussion guide, TERM for small groups:

  1. Strengthens Faith: One catches a fresh glimpse of the depth and breadth of the gospel and is renewed in spirit to the wonders of God’s grace.
  2. Builds Confidence: TERM grows your confidence in scripture to do its job, to change lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Boosts Resolve: TERM helps a person gain certainty in sharing the gospel, using a crawl, walk, run approach.
  4. Clarifies Message: TERM breaks the Gospel message down into easy-to-remember components. You come away with a clear sense of knowing what needs to be said when sharing the gospel.
  5. Multiple Options: TERM can be learned on your own at your own speed, in a weekly Sunday School class or during a saturation weekend with a whole crowd of people.
  6. Modular Learning: One can investigate as many TERM modules as you wish, spread over a few days or many months.
  7. Genuinely Practical: TERM for small groups gives a person hands-on experience using heavy doses of scripture, with tools that are dynamic and simple to use.

See samples pages, video and scope and sequence on our website: TERM for Small Groups


New book from John R. Cross

Since The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus was first published 21 years ago, people have been asking, “I’ve read your book, what’s next?” For years, author John R. Cross has been working on a sequel to his evangelism books, using it in Bible studies and gathering feedback. John applies the same style, which has blessed so many in his books about salvation, in this new book on sanctification. Please pray with us as we go through final proofreading and editing.

By This Name now in Chinese

Seven years in the making! Finally the Chinese edition of the book, “By This Name” is now in print, a testament to the perseverance of the translator and those checking the manuscript for accuracy. We have several books in Chinese already: The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, All that the Prophets have Spoken and The Lamb.

This translation is the result of a partnership with Trans World Radio. The initial print run was 10,000 books, with half being in traditional and simplified script each. We thank the Lord for this project coming to completion, and look forward to hearing of it’s impact around the world.Traditional Chinese

Simplified Chinese

Salvation comes to a woman in China

Another story of a life transformed through the power of the gospel!  

Evelyn*, a missionary in China writes: 

“Would you tell me some Bible stories?” Lin* asked.  

While going to school in the States, she had been exposed to some Christianity, and she was interested in learning more. I suggested that we go through the book, The Lamb, as a way to reach this searching heart. After going through the book together with me in three separate sessions, she received Christ as her personal Savior!  

One question that she asked, when she heard that God promised to someday send a Savior was, “Why doesn’t He do it Himself?”  

It was so exciting to take her through and show her from Scripture that He DID do it Himself!  

We now use this book very effectively to introduce the promised Savior to those who show interest in this very needy country.”

Praise God! When newcomers to the Bible, like Lin*, encounter God by journeying through the storyline of Scripture, the Holy Spirit reveals truths about God’s holiness, our sinfulness, Jesus’ provision, and that there is salvation for everyone who believes.  

Would you be prepared and available to share Christ with someone who asked you to tell them some Bible stories? Be ready! 


(*Names changed as per GoodSeed policy.)

Going Deeper: No Longer a Stranger! Part Three

In our preceding article, we talked about how there can be no greater motivation for believers to live out their new lives in Christ as a BIG THANK YOU than to have a growing understanding of the grace of God. That is certainly the experience described in Scripture on more than one occasion.

Remember the immoral woman who came to Jesus quite unexpectedly in the home of a Pharisee (Luke 7:36-50)? Braving probable scorn and ridicule, she came to express her love and gratitude for what she had experienced of the grace of God in her life—forgiveness. She was well aware of how undeserving she was but nevertheless God had forgiven her and for this she was supremely thankful.

Rather than drawing back in disdain from this woman with the tarnished reputation, Jesus expressed what was at the heart of her outpouring of emotion: she loved much because she had been forgiven much.

“I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” (Luke 7:47 NLT)

Possibly a prostitute, this woman recognized how needy, how undeserving she was of Christ’s forgiveness. In fact, she was conscious of her abject spiritual poverty—totally incapable of doing anything to merit God’s forgiveness. Yet, the Bible assures us that…

He [God] does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. (Psalm 103:10 NIV)

That’s grace—undeserved!

Continue reading “Going Deeper: No Longer a Stranger! Part Three”

Video: Babel and religion

Babel. When we hear the word, most of us think of a tall tower or confusion of languages. But just what was going on at Babel? Was it just a large-scale building project? As this clip from By This Name reveals, it was actually an example of man’s religious efforts to please God.

“The issue at stake wasn’t about following a religion. Rather, it was about trusting a person–the LORD himself. It was not how hard one worked to win God’s favour, but whether someone trusted the LORD as one would trust a friend. It wasn’t about manipulating God to get your way, but having a personal friendship with the Creator of the universe. Trust was the issue.”

By This Name, Page 113

By This Name has a video component consisting of 66 clips in which author John R. Cross teaches key concepts during the chronological journey through the Bible. These short video clips include visual aids (like the Tabernacle, Passover, altar, etc.) to help bring clarity to the story. They also take the viewers to key sites in Israel, Egypt and Jordan to provide historical and geographical context. We present a selection of these video clips. All of them are included with By This Name, either on DVD or accessible online.