Worldview Definitions

Different worldviews


By This Name” was written for people who are from a culture influenced by ideas from polytheism, pantheism, animism, postmodernism, secularism and New Age.

But what exactly do the terms all mean? Here they are explained simply:

  • Polytheism is the belief in or worship of multiple gods. If your friend has been influenced by polytheism, you may hear him or her say, “Sure I believe in God.” But it’s worth inquiring to see if your friend feels there are other gods or spirits that are also important.
  • Pantheism is the view that everything and everyone is God. James Cameron’s movie “Avatar” (2009) is a prime example of pantheism. Your pantheistic co-worker might speak of finding “paths to enlightenment” or “a higher truth.”
  • Animism is the belief that inanimate objects, animals, plants, and natural features such as rivers and mountains, and natural phenomena such as wind and thunder are alive, and can experience feelings and intentions, and have souls. Though animism is common among primitive people groups, it has also influenced modern culture. The need to placate and manipulate spirits, especially ancestral spirits, is a common feature of animism.
  • Postmodernism is the view that everything is relative, so there are no ultimate principles, no absolute truth and no objective reality. What we experience as reality is created by our individual minds and consists of our own interpretations. “You have your beliefs, I have mine” is something you may hear from someone influenced by postmodernism.
  • Secularism refers to the view that human decisions, especially political ones, should not be influenced by religion. In discussions about world problems, your secular friend may prefer to focus on scientific findings and human reason instead of any kind of spiritual discussion.
  • New Age is a cultural and personalized attitude that is inclusive and diverse, with beliefs drawn from a variety of modern and ancient cultures. Beliefs include supernatural elements, self-help, motivational psychology, holistic health, reincarnation, pantheism and paranormal phenomena.

It is important to note that your friends may hold to any combination of these beliefs. Syncretism is common; it is a mixing of ideas or beliefs, even if some of the ideas are contradictory. “BY THIS NAME” is most helpful because it answers the most common questions of people with any of these cultural or religious backgrounds.